Campos de observación

Los campos de observación son campos de información adicional que pueden añadirse a las observaciones.

Nombre Fecha añadida ↓ Tipo de datos Descripción
CLM Voucher Number 20/06/2024 text
Pupa found on host plant 20/06/2024 text
Presence of burrows or mud chimneys 19/06/2024 text Did you see evidence of burrows or mud chimneys?
Crayfish habitat 19/06/2024 text Where did you find your crayfish? farm pond, lake, river/stream, wetland
Crayfish abundance 19/06/2024 text Very abundant = crayfish are nibbling your toes; common = easy to find; rare = only saw one
Limoniid 18/06/2024 text
Limoniidae 18/06/2024 text
Wilson 18/06/2024 text
Summer 2024 18/06/2024 text
Perkins, Aaron 18/06/2024 text
On a scale of 1-10 how fancy is this pigeon? 18/06/2024 numeric
Is this Pigeon fancy? 18/06/2024 text
Fruit position 18/06/2024 text The fruit position of Passiflora sect. Dysosmia species (Especially P. vesicaria)
Has legs? 18/06/2024 text Does the animal have legs (used for taxa which may or may not have legs, like lizards)?
Fungarium Accession Location (On MycoPortal) 17/06/2024 text This field denotes: 1. The current physical location of the specimen depicted in this iNat observation; 2. that this specimen searchable on MycoPortal. Note the institution name including code i.e. (NY) New York Botanical Gardens, (HAY) Cal State East Bay
Attracted to: 17/06/2024 text
Insect Life Stage: 17/06/2024 text
Animal-Plant Interaction: 17/06/2024 text To study plant and animal interaction
Nature of Plant 17/06/2024 text
Animal- Animal Interaction 17/06/2024 text
FQW data type 16/06/2024 text differentiate AWIs, WST, problem species, etc.
Bird age (Ottenby Calendar Year) 15/06/2024 text Bird age codes according to the Ottenby Calendar Year system, primarily used in Europe
BdP->Ecological_Interaction->Associated_species_URL 15/06/2024 text Enter the URL for the iNaturalist observation of the other interacting organism/species.
BdP->Ecological_Interaction->Flower_Visitor->Proboscis_inserted 15/06/2024 text Is the proboscis visibly inserted into the flower?
Flower colour - other combination (APOID) 15/06/2024 text Description of other flower colour combinations
Pollination interaction 15/06/2024 text This observation involves an interaction between a flower and an insect or other animal that might perhaps result in pollination.
Type of Magicicada call 13/06/2024 text What kind of Magicicada call is captured in the recording?
US_PNW_DNA_Sequenced_Inocybe 13/06/2024 text
Flowers per Inflorescence 13/06/2024 numeric Average count of flowers/fruits/buds per inflorescence
Eastern Hemlock 10/06/2024 text Small Grove of Mature Trees
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