Happy Valentine's Day to all you Nature Lovers❣

Kissing Roses

Publicado el 14 de febrero de 2022 a las 07:37 PM por whateverwatcher whateverwatcher


And to you, too! And nice job on the perfect photo for the occasion. ;-)

Anotado por wendyjegla hace mas de 2 años

Thank you @wendyjegla ! I saw it as I was going thru old photos and decided to save it for the occasion 😎

Anotado por whateverwatcher hace mas de 2 años

@asio-otus posted a wonderful observation for Valentine's Day yesterday also! I think I'll start a collection. Ohio really is the heart of it all...

Anotado por whateverwatcher hace mas de 2 años

Definitely start a collection! I'll send along anything I come across. :-)

Anotado por wendyjegla hace mas de 2 años

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