Sandbar WMA

In Natural areas of Vermont (1964), Hub Vogelmann describes two areas, the "Sandbar Swamp White Oak-Silver Maple Forest" and the "Sandbar Marsh", both located in the state-owned Sandbar Waterfowl Area. Today the area is known as the Sandbar Wildlife Management Area.

I visited the Sandbar Wildlife Management Area (WMA) in Milton on April 4, 2023. As you can see on the map linked above, most of the WMA is a wildlife refuge with no public access, and both of Vogelmann's natural areas are in the no-access zone. There's a fence around this area, with clearly written signage: "State Waterfowl Refuge: Hunting, Shooting, Fishing, Trapping, and Trespassing PROHIBITED."

I was disappointed, but hey, I get it. The best way to protect the wildlife is to keep people out. I did, however, visit the open portion of the WMA and made a few observations.

Publicado el 12 de abril de 2023 a las 03:38 PM por trscavo trscavo


Thank you for the report on your explorations.

Anotado por tsn hace más de un año

Thanks Tom!

Anotado por trscavo hace más de un año

Dang! Dr. Vogelmann was my advisor & professor at UVM! Hub was the best and because of him, I switched my major to botany.

Dan Spaulding, Class of 1985

Anotado por danbadlands hace más de un año

Dan, thanks for noting that!

Anotado por trscavo hace más de un año

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