City Nature Challenge 2024 (Thailand) Isn't Over Yet!

The four-day CNC 2024 has come to an end, but that doesn't mean it's over! More than 11,400 observations of 2,130+ species were made by 410+ participants from 13 sites across Thailand. This is an incredible amount of data that will help scientists track changes in biodiversity and understand wildlife conservation.

You have until May 6th at 9:00 AM to upload any photos or audio recordings you took during the challenge. Make sure to upload only photos and audio from April 26th to 29th.

We encourage all citizen naturalists and professional taxonomists to help identify the species that have been observed. You can do this by going to the PDF file. Click on the ⦿ button next to the city and taxonomic group you are interested in. Select the observation you want to identify and click on the "Add ID" button and then enter the common name, Thai name, or scientific name of the species. Click "Save" and then close the observation window. Please identify all observations as either plants, animals, fungi, or other organisms as possible as you can. Do not leave any observations as "Unknown observations".

If you observe a pet or cultivated plant, please mark it as "Captive / Cultivated". To do this, click on the observation that is clearly captive or cultivated by humans. Check the ✅ "Captive / Cultivated" box at the bottom left. This will let researchers know that the location and time of the observation may not be reliable because the species was relocated by humans.


  • Upload photos or recordings to iNaturalist by 09:00 am on May 6th.
  • Identify all observations and don't leave any as "Unknown."
  • If you encounter captive animals or cultivated plants, don't forget to check ✅ "Captive / Cultivated".

After May 6th, the CNC 2024 Thailand organizers will compile the data and release a report which will compare the results of this year's challenge to previous years and track our progress in documenting Thailand's biodiversity.

Thank you for your participation!

Publicado el 30 de abril de 2024 a las 09:05 AM por sutthikhun sutthikhun



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