10 Fun Facts About the Pileated Woodpecker

The pileated woodpecker (Dryocopus pileatus) is likely one of Surrey's most familiar and charismatic woodpecker species, found nesting and foraging throughout some of our most popular urban forest parks.

But did you know it is also protected under the Migratory Birds Convention Act? Under the associated Migratory Bird Regulation, trees with cavity nests created by this species must remain unused for 36 months (3 years) before they can be removed. Registration on the Federal nest registry and a special permit are required for removal before that time.

Check out this link to learn more: https://www.canada.ca/en/environment-climate-change/services/avoiding-harm-migratory-birds/damage-use-land-pileated-woodpecker-nesting-cavities.html

Publicado el 27 de enero de 2023 a las 09:54 PM por surrey-bc_biodiversity surrey-bc_biodiversity


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