In the home stretch of the CNC, what happens next?

As we get down to the nitty-gritty of identifying and verifying the 2100 observations (you are awesome Surrey iNaturalist community!) submitted through our first-ever City Nature Challenge we are already thinking about what comes next.

The global results for the CNC will be announced May 4th and so far Surrey is rankled fourth in Canada. Not bad for our first time, and in the new normal of social distancing!

Check out what we have so far at Any observations you collected between April 24-27 can still be uploaded until May 3rd. And if you can help us identify observations that would be fantastic.

The CNC was our pilot project to launch our iNaturalist platform, which given the resounding support we have seen, will be an important source of biodiversity data for the City. But this is just the start. Follow our efforts and keep up to date on the various parks and natural areas project we will be adding. Help us document invasive plant and wildlife species occurrences and hot-spots. And of course be on the lookout for species at risk and less frequently sighted species species.

So stay tuned for upcoming CNC results, and new projects to join and share your observations with!

Publicado el 28 de abril de 2020 a las 08:06 PM por surrey-bc_biodiversity surrey-bc_biodiversity


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