Happy Earth Day everyone - its been 50 years!

Do you know the history behind today? Today, the world celebrates the 50th anniversary of Earth Day. The event originated in the US, on April 22, 1970, 20 million Americans in 2,000 communities and 10,000 schools planted trees, cleaned up parks, buried cars in mock graves, marched, listened to speeches and protested how humans were messing up the planet. It was the largest demonstration in the history of the nation. The event came about because of a partnership between former Republican Congressman Paul “Pete” McCloskey and Democratic Senator Gaylord Nelson, the man who envisioned the nationwide demonstration we now celebrate as Earth Day. McCloskey is is one of the unsung heroes of the modern environmental movement, he authored countless environmental bills passed in the 1970s — including the US Endangered Species Act of 1973.

Fast forward to April 22, 2020 and our world faces unprecedented challenges. When we began planning 8 months ago for the launch of Surrey's iNaturalist initiative through the upcoming City Nature Challenge, we never imagined the it would be happening at the height of a pandemic. Now more than ever our connection to nature will be an important way for us to stay grounded. Check out this beautiful photo essay "The Wild Goes On" from the Narwhal: https://thenarwhal.ca/the-wild-goes-on-coronavirus/

As we evolve new iNaturalist projects for the City over the coming months, your dedicated citizen scientists efforts will help shape how effective we will be in meeting our commitments to conserve biodiversity in Surrey.

@ladybug1977 ,
@adamson218 ,

Publicado el 22 de abril de 2020 a las 06:51 PM por surrey-bc_biodiversity surrey-bc_biodiversity


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