10 years on iNaturalist!

I joined iNaturalist on 21 September 2013 -- was introduced to it by Derek Broman @dbroman , then the urban wildlife biologist in Dallas/Fort Worth with Texas Parks and Wildlife. Since then, it's radically changed the way that I go outside and how I engage with nature.

So proud and happy and lucky to be a part of this growing and vibrant community of nature enthusiasts!

Publicado el 22 de septiembre de 2023 a las 01:22 PM por sambiology sambiology


Happy iNativersary, Sam! A decade of iNat! How will you celebrate? Yesterday on the KQED Forum interview, @gyrrlfalcon mentioned she celebrates by getting people together to visit a place she's never been and trying to make 100-200+ observations of unique species. Such a great idea!

Anotado por carrieseltzer hace 9 meses

Haha! To celebrate, I will go outside and get my daily observation for the 3119th day in a row! ;)

Anotado por sambiology hace 9 meses

Dare I say, the iNat world is radically changed by you being in it, too! Happy iNativersary, Sam! Thank you for having such a crazy impact on all of our lives!

Anotado por kimberlietx hace 9 meses

Happy iNativersary fellow class of 2013. I hope we never graduate!

Anotado por danielatha hace 9 meses

I was introduced to iNat by @travislongcore in 2014 in an landscape ecology course. It took me a few years to get the knack of things, but it’s also really affected how I interact with nature as well! Happy anniversary and good luck on many more adventures!

And I agree with @kimberlietx that the iNat community has benefited from your participation as well!

Anotado por observerjosh hace 9 meses

Happy anniversary! I was going to say "Fellow streaker" but that sounds...weird. iNaturalist has changed how I go outside, too. It's also changed how I stay inside. I'd never realized the rich diversity of spiders that get caught in our bathtub before iNat.

Anotado por jmaughn hace 9 meses

Awesome! Thanks for all you do!

Anotado por redpenny hace 9 meses

Wow. That is amazing! And you've amassed a huge army of iNatters behind you who bring in more iNatters who bring in more! You've made data exponentially available to scientists, local and national governments, and so on. You make change in the world. <3

Anotado por samantha_knight hace 9 meses

Happy Happy iNativersary, Sam! You are such a blessing to this much-blessed and beloved community! Celebrate Big!

Anotado por gyrrlfalcon hace 9 meses

Happy INativersary! Life is better outside. :-)

Anotado por pufferchung hace 9 meses

Love it Buddy. Keep up the great work!

Anotado por dbroman hace 9 meses

So cool! :) You sure make it more fun for everyone!

Anotado por summervillenature hace 9 meses

Congrats, Sam! You have made such a positive difference in so many lives. I'm happy to be in your orbit. iNat on!

Anotado por troutlily57 hace 9 meses

Thanks for "paying it forward " I am here thanks to you Sam.

Anotado por jgasnarez hace 9 meses

Congratulations and good job Coach K. We hope your contract is renewed for another 10 or so years.

Anotado por donyoung hace 9 meses

Happy iNativersary, my friend!

Anotado por gcwarbler hace 9 meses

Sam's iNat posts are great, but you should experience him teaching in real life if you haven't had a chance, truly amazing! He is a Texas treasure for sure.

Anotado por danthenoviceobserver hace 9 meses

iNaturalist - like sweet honey on the lips!

Anotado por tiwane hace 9 meses

Like. Sometimes I wish all websites had a like button...

Anotado por rymcdaniel hace 9 meses
Anotado por observerjosh hace 9 meses

Happy tenth!
I appreciate ya. :)

Anotado por rozzychan hace 8 meses

That is amazing! You have made a big impact on the iNat world. Happy anniversary!

Anotado por bobbie79 hace 8 meses

Happy Anniversary to the driving iNat force in DFW!

Anotado por annikaml hace 6 meses

Happy 10th anniversary! I can't believe I missed seeing this post when it came out.

And I must add.... Sam is the driving force of iNat in the state of Texas!

Anotado por connlindajo hace 6 meses

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