Texas Panhandle iNaturalist Gathering -- save dates: 29 May - 1 June, 2020


Save the dates: 29 May - 1 June, 2020.

Matador Wildlife Management Area: 3036 FM 3256, Paducah, TX 79248 -- 28,183 acres
Gene Howe Wildlife Management Area: FM 2266, Canadian, TX 79014 -- 5,886 acres

We'll plan for 29 and 30 May at Matador WMA and then 31 May and 1 June at Gene Howe WMA.

******* original message follows ******************

Hey friends,

So, iNat gatherings are the best. I really like them. It's fun to get together with fellow iNatters in an area to make loads of observations and enjoy each others' company.

We've had bioblitzes in a few different parts of TX, but not yet the panhandle. Let's change that!

Gene Howe Wildlife Management Area (5,886 acres) is relatively unexplored on iNaturalist:

Only 2 insects (both dragonflies) have been documented there...

There's bound to be more than that! I've not visited the area, but it does seem pretty interesting:

Also, Lake Meredith is not too too far away from Gene Howe WMA:
Perhaps few days here and a few days at Gene Howe.

Now, dates... I'm not really familiar with the conditions in the Panhandle... I'd think we'd shoot for a mid May time. A few dates that we should avoid: city nature challenge on 24-27 April through 1-4 May. So many a couple weekends after that 1-4 May (as many of us may be a little worn out!)... What about 15-18 May or 22-25 May???

PLEASE comment -- I need some feedback from folks that might want to attend. :)

*tagging a few folks in the comment -- please tag others that may be interested!

Publicado el 06 de agosto de 2019 a las 09:49 PM por sambiology sambiology


I'm going to the University of Kansas starting this fall (well, starting in a week...) and depending on when this is, I could try to sneak it into my road trip home... way too far in the future to know for sure, but I'd love to try and attend.

Anotado por ryanandrews hace casi 5 años

I would think that later in May would be better. Given the latitude, Springs springs later up there than in mid- and lower latitudes in Texas. Maybe our Lubbockian contingent can offer some guidance.

Anotado por gcwarbler hace casi 5 años

That is a great area, Sam. I have not spent any time on the WMA but Lake Marvin in the national grasslands is just a few miles east of the WMA and it is the site of many interesting odonate and bird records if it is a wet year. This past June the 1st Texas record of Western Red Damsel was found at Lake Marvin. At this time I think I could come up there in late May. For those of us not into camping any more, Canadian has several decent motels and restaurants. In any event, I know the general area very well for both birds and odonates but never stopped at the WMA.

Anotado por greglasley hace casi 5 años

Looking forward to it! The panhandle will be a completely different experience for me.

@birdladymilam @jasmineotto

Anotado por connlindajo hace casi 5 años

Sounds good. Have always meant to make it to Gene Howe, but have yet to make it.

Anotado por oddfitz hace casi 5 años

Great idea, I'm game and the last half of May is good.

Anotado por pynklynx hace casi 5 años

I'm interested.. Let's make sure we have some wildflowers blooming so we have insects :)

Anotado por butterflies4fun hace casi 5 años

Sounds neat! I haven't really been up that way very often, but it looks like things start blooming up there about a half to a full month later than Midland (based on iNat records). If that's the case, I would suggest the later date in May. That will hopefully give a bit more time for the late spring bloomers to get going.
I almost look forward to the drive up more than the time there. A good opportunity to fill in more gaps:

Source: http://bonap.org/2015_SpecialtyMaps/Density%20Gradient%202015/original/County_Saturation.png

Anotado por nathantaylor hace casi 5 años

The Panhandle will surely benefit from all-a-yall's expert attention.
You can expect.........everything to be different from what you expected! Including the weather! With luck, May can bring a few rainstorms, but not always. Some years it hits 100F, other years you're still going around in a jacket. Just choose a weekend and forge ahead full steam, but come prepared for changeability.
Those who are traveling from DFW area will be passing near to Wichita Mtns NWR in OK, which is amazing and worth a visit.
By then i will have moved away to NM (got my sights on Albuquerque, and soon), but i'm leaving with a clear conscience because some of the newer iNatters like Barry Keith (already tagged in), @kayakqueen , @jjmiller, and @jordandcochran are really doing great work here!

Anotado por ellen5 hace casi 5 años

Sounds good. I should be able to make it around that time.

gcwarbler, I hear fall falls earlier up that way too. :)

Anotado por clay_s hace casi 5 años

I like either dates you mentioned Sam. Ready to go and I haven't even looked at the WMA yet! Sounds fun, looking forward to it!

Anotado por mikef451 hace casi 5 años

Hmm. Depending on my financial situation next year, I may be interested

Anotado por daniel112 hace casi 5 años

Funny, weren't we just having this discussion? LOL!

Anotado por wild-about-texas hace casi 5 años

@sambiology I will try to work that end, sounds like a great time to explore the pandhandle


Anotado por gpstewart hace casi 5 años

Oooh, the panhandle! I've always wanted to go out there! I think the end of may would be best! @wwrauscher @royaltyler

Anotado por cosmiccat hace casi 5 años

@ellen5 and @amzapp have been great models and mentors in the South Plains Chapter of Texas Master Naturalists; many thanks to them; Ellen will be missed but will have new places to explore in the shadows of the mountains.

I expect to be here on the South Plains in 2020; got no where else to go; hope to encounter y'all in the field.

There is a new crop of Panhandle Chapter TMNs just qualified for 2019 in the Amarillo area and at least one -- @starrgirl -- is busy on iNat. Plant specialist @jotol is in the Panhandle. @jordandcochran and @rowdius are quite expert and have been active on the South Plains and elsewhere.

Anotado por thebark hace casi 5 años

I may be able to make it and would look forward to it as I have spent almost no time in the Panhandle.

Anotado por scottbuckel hace casi 5 años

Sounds like a great idea. May would be good, particularly if there has been some rain. I've been to Dalhart in January and it wasn't productive. LOL
Santa Rita National Grasslands are also worth a visit. Maybe set the boundaries in the "square counties" from Yoakam to Stonewall County and then north?

Anotado por sandboa hace casi 5 años

I don't have any plans for those dates, sounds fun!

Anotado por k8thegr8 hace casi 5 años

Count me in for sure! It seems like the consensus is late May, so I'm going to preemptively throw those dates in my calendar :D

Anotado por wildcarrot hace casi 5 años

This is some great feedback -- thanks everyone!

I'm great with the later dates in May. I'm going to reach out to the WMA staff and to Lake Meredith staff too just to make sure that the dates would work for them. I know it's turkey season, but I'm not sure how much of the WMA will be devoted to that.

Although we'll focus on those two areas, I think anywhere and everywhere around there should be super interesting! :)

Lots more details later on, but as you're looking at next year's calendar, please toss on a late May iNat gathering!

Anotado por sambiology hace casi 5 años

Sam brought up a good point on access with potential hunting, so I checked the Public Draw Hunt's site for TPWD. . Gene Howe will be closed to Public Access on the following dates for the Spring Turkey Hunt's on the following dates:
Apr 03, 2020 – Apr 05, 2020
Apr 10, 2020 – Apr 12, 2020
Apr 17, 2020 – Apr 19, 2020

So the May dates will not overlap any of the Spring Hunt closures....

Anotado por oddfitz hace casi 5 años


I loved visiting some sites in that area last summer. Lots of interesting things should be there.

For me, it would need to be the last weekend in May or first weekend of June. The middle and latter third of May are finals/finals grading/grades-submissions/end of semester, and then a research trip.

I'll make it if I can! There are a bunch of unsampled snail habitats up in that area...


Anotado por beschwar hace casi 5 años
Anotado por beschwar hace casi 5 años

I might be interested depending on when it is in May. @mchlfx keeps telling me I need to get out more.

Anotado por jblinde hace casi 5 años

This sounds amazing! Unfortunately, I'm unlikely to be able to join y'all. :( I for sure can't make the earlier date, and I may have a conflict with the later date (but perhaps not). I will have to play it by ear. Please keep me in the loop: I'll make it if I can!

Sam, thanks for organizing this! :)

Anotado por laurenjansensimpson hace casi 5 años

Keep me in the loop. I am extremely busy in spring but will consider it. I am looking for somewhere to go this winter, maybe the week after Christmas. I might close my business for a week and drive south for migratory birds, butterflies, and dragonflies. Is it worth the long drive to the Rio Grande Valley? or stick to the upper gulf coast? anyone else go there in winter?

Anotado por royaltyler hace casi 5 años

Sounds great. I'll definitely plan on going. May 22 usually ends up being the last day of school for my kids, so I wouldn't be mad if it turned into the first weekend of June ;)
@tommybarwig @lovebirder
Might be interested

Anotado por bosqueaaron hace casi 5 años

Either 15-18 May or 22-25 May could work. Sounds interesting. Will pencil it in and wait for the final date.

Anotado por lovebirder hace casi 5 años

I would love to attend this both to see what's out there and meet some other iNatters in person. This far out it's hard for me to know what dates will or won't work, but I would like to be kept up to date and will come if I can!

@greglasley, you mentioned tent camping. Where would be the closest place to do that?

Anotado por zdufran hace casi 5 años

I'll make another vote for late May!

Anotado por mikaelb hace casi 5 años

I currently don't have any plans for May, so keep me posted.

Anotado por kucycads hace casi 5 años

Seems late May is preferred. I have nothing going on that I know of and would love to attend.

Anotado por salticidude hace casi 5 años

You should post a link to this in the forums as well!

Anotado por clay_s hace casi 5 años

Funny this should come up, Sam. We've had a request for precisely this type of bioblitz out on the Matador WMA, no dates or plans solid yet, though. Bringing @craighensley into the loop...

Anotado por taniahomayoun hace casi 5 años

It's on the 2020 !!!!! calendar. From looking at the website, primitive camping is available. You must bring your own water.

Anotado por itmndeborah hace casi 5 años

@taniahomayoun I've been pushing for a Matador WMA bioblitz for a while, I roam it any chance I get, the other day as a matter of fact. Would love to have a moth night there one day eventually. Keep me in the loop if anything comes to fruition.

Anotado por oddfitz hace casi 5 años

Thanks for tagging me! I have no idea whether I'll be able to attend or not, I'd love to but I have to see what my college schedule looks like for spring semester first.

Anotado por rynaturalist hace casi 5 años

Over 400 species have been reported from Matador WMA. https://www.inaturalist.org/places/matador-wma Been hankering to go for months.

Anotado por thebark hace casi 5 años

Hey @sambiology this is Zachary. I won't be out of school til about June or so. Maybe may but who knows. I may try to make the weekend of that. I will have to see and make some arrangments before hand. Thanks for the update. I wills see what I can do. That maybe doable.

Anotado por galactic_bug_man hace casi 5 años

Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Count me in also. Any date. Just say when. JBLinde is going for sure, though she doesn't know it yet. LOL. Kidnapping!

Anotado por mchlfx hace casi 5 años

Yesssss! Count me in, and voting for end of May!

Anotado por amzapp hace casi 5 años

Is there a nature center or something where we could plug in lights for moths after dark?

Anotado por zdufran hace casi 5 años

They have a registration building that's open 24hrs. Don't know if they'll let you use the electricity.

Anotado por clay_s hace casi 5 años

I'm all in with this. Most people down state don't fully realize that the Panhandle can be quite beautiful in the spring. This past May was spectacular! I agree with the timing. except considering the distances involved and the areas to be covered, 2 weekends iwould give more coverage and allow more people to participate. Either way, i welcome the attention to this area and look forward to sharing the Panhandle's hidden treasures.

Anotado por jotol hace casi 5 años

Fear not. Several of us have portable batteries for mothing.

Anotado por amzapp hace casi 5 años

@amzapp, my fears have abated :)

Anotado por zdufran hace casi 5 años

Surely there will be an outlet or two there somewhere! I know Sam will let us know the details beforehand.

Anotado por mikef451 hace casi 5 años

If I can make it, I have powered many moth lights off my Tacoma, which has a 110 AC outlet in the bed. It is quite handy!

Anotado por beschwar hace casi 5 años

@sambiology will be so charged up for this bioblitz that we can just plug into his...er..., sockets.

Anotado por gcwarbler hace casi 5 años

Ooh! This sounds like a lot of fun! Unfortunately, I'm unable to participate - hope you all have a bunch of fun and observe like crazy!

Anotado por annikaml hace casi 5 años

I'll try to bring a generator. Will know more as we approach the dates.

Anotado por mchlfx hace casi 5 años

Good lord I hope I have a job by next May. If I do, I'm there. If I don't, I'll be living in my car anyway, so... uh... I guess I may as well come? nervous laughter

Anotado por nanofishology hace casi 5 años

I would like to participate, just depends on what I'm doing a year from now... If it lands at the end of May, I suppose I could make a birthday road trip

Anotado por madisong hace casi 5 años

I could do May 22-25! My school is out by then.

Anotado por justjenny hace casi 5 años

I just got back from a trip to Lake Meredith. It wasn't really the best time to go, but still saw a lot of neat stuff, including two Euphorbias that are pretty rarely observed. One is really rare and only known from Palo Duro Canyon and the floodplains of the Canadian River of NM and TX. Should be an opportunity to get some lifer plants for a lot of folks.

Anotado por nathantaylor hace casi 5 años

Sounds like fun! Hope I can make it.

Anotado por txstack hace mas de 4 años


We've got dates! 29 May - 1 June, 2020. And official locations: Matador Wildlife Management Area and Gene Howe Wildlife Management Area. Should be a blast!

We'll plan for 29 and 30 May at Matador WMA and then 31 May and 1 June at Gene Howe WMA.

Even if you're a 'maybe,' go ahead and jot it down in your calendar. :)

Anotado por sambiology hace mas de 4 años

Ok! Glad the dates are set.

Anotado por lovebirder hace mas de 4 años

Good news! Should be good dates for both locations. Portions of Matadors 28K acres should be manageable for most vehicles, but keep in mind that when you see a "4X4 only" sign (there are many), that it means it. Lots of rough terrain and/or deep sand can ruin a day quickly. But lots of good locations for iNat-ing. For those not wanting to camp at Matador, Childress is 25 minutes away with many hotels. For those adventurous types, Paducah is 10 minutes away with a hotel converted from an old funeral parlor.

Anotado por oddfitz hace mas de 4 años

@bugsbatsandbugs An iNat community gathering.
@sambiology Hey Sam, I met a mutual admirer of yours at the entomology training in Georgetown last week.

Anotado por connlindajo hace mas de 4 años

@connlindajo I did not know you were there, I would have said hi. I was in the same building on Tuesday and I borrowed some chairs from the room with Wizzie's permission. Our Fall Training class meets downstairs.

Anotado por mikef451 hace mas de 4 años

Yay! Those dates means I can participate the last couple of days. So happy! This sounds like an awesome BioBlitz in new territory for me.

Anotado por annikaml hace mas de 4 años
Anotado por annikaml hace mas de 4 años

I'm putting this on the calendar. @mchlfx keeps telling me I need to go to these but I've always had some offspring-related event like college orientation or graduation that conflicted. I'm intrigued by the funeral home hotel and the opportunity to find some new (at least to me) observations.

Anotado por jblinde hace mas de 4 años

Just a heads up (if it hasn't been mentioned before?) - to legally access the WMAs at both locations you are required to hold either a Texas Annual Public Hunting Permit ($48) or a Limited Use Permit ($12).
You can buy either online here - https://tpwd.texas.gov/huntwild/hunt/public/annual_public_hunting/

I think it would be responsible for all participants to make sure they had at least the Limited Use Permit. If you buy it now, it is good until next August 31st I believe (so you can iNat on other WMAs in the interim!).

Anotado por sandboa hace mas de 4 años

@royaltyler @wwrauscher Sam set a date and location

Anotado por cosmiccat hace mas de 4 años

@mayfly1963 Perhaps you can join us!

Anotado por connlindajo hace mas de 4 años

@sambiology @annikaml - I really hope I can make it to this and I'll try really hard to make any of those dates work!

Anotado por melissa_duron hace mas de 4 años

@melissa_duron You probably didn't see Sam's update to the dates, which is in one of the many comments to this post:

We've got dates! 29 May - 1 June, 2020. And official locations: Matador Wildlife Management Area and Gene Howe Wildlife Management Area. Should be a blast!

We'll plan for 29 and 30 May at Matador WMA and then 31 May and 1 June at Gene Howe WMA."

Anotado por annikaml hace mas de 4 años

Just an FYI, in response to Chris @sandboa -- so we've got some special permission for this bioblitz, and we'll be with the TPWD staff on these biosurveys, so the limited use permit isn't a requirement. Everyone will be under our permit.

Nonetheless, if folks DO want to buy the hunting permit or the limited use permit, there are lots of WMA's throughout TX to explore! And hey, the funds go to a good cause. ;) You just don't have to have one for this gathering. :)

Anotado por sambiology hace mas de 4 años

Those four days are good dates at our end because we will have ended another school year. Putting it on the calendar to make a go of it. It's been a long time since I've driven past that area of the state/country. Will be great to stop and take a view at the land and what it offers. Not a hunter so the latter comment doesn't apply.

Anotado por aguilita hace mas de 4 años

Do you think since there's a group of us going, maybe we could get group rates at a hotel? :-)

Anotado por justjenny hace mas de 4 años

As an FYI, if anyone would like to get an early "peek" at Matador WMA, they will be having their Christmas Bird Count on Friday December the 20th this year. I'm sure they would appreciate any extra sets of eyes. I was able to assist last year and we had a total of five of us to cover the WMA's 28K acres... But it was a good day. I'll update with any other information as I hear about it.

Anotado por oddfitz hace mas de 4 años

Aye aye aye I hope I can make it! Havne't been able to herp Gene Howe seriously (just strike out on deer hunting there).

Anotado por williampaulwhite17 hace mas de 4 años

Just a note to those participants considering "hoteling it" in Canadian. A few years ago I was up there in May and couldn't get a room anywhere near the WMA (oilfield workers had all the rooms and they were very pricey!). Had to drive to Perryton. Maybe book early if that's your plan.

Anotado por sandboa hace mas de 4 años

So looking forward to this outing! Thanks to Sam for smoothing things over for the group with WMA staff! None the less I got my LPU in pocket cause I like hunting and gathering data anyway! Well worth $12 one year statewide. @sambiology , @oddfitz Hopefully you guys can inform us on electricity options available for mothing. @annikaml do I need to bring you a camera stand yet?

I will be camping. Cheers!

Anotado por mikef451 hace mas de 4 años

@jwn !!!! ;)

Anotado por sambiology hace mas de 4 años

@mikef451 I'm sure I'll have a need for a camera stand by then, if not earlier.

Anotado por annikaml hace mas de 4 años

I was at Matador last week assisting with management activities. I did check both camping areas and while there are mercury vapor lights close to each vault bathroom, I did not see electrical outlets. As I will be out there again soon, I will check with the staff to make sure I didn't miss anything.

If anyone has any interest in getting an early look at Matador and assisting with the Christmas Bird Count on Friday 12/20 (and maybe getting a little winter iNating in) please send me a note and I will loop you into information as we get closer to the date.

@lovebirder not sure if you were aware of these 2020 iNat Bioblitzes.

Anotado por oddfitz hace mas de 4 años

As one of the few you meant to mention but didn’t, @sambiology, I’m a definite maybe. I have longtime friends in Amarillo, so it would give me an extra incentive to visit them.

If you go near Lake Meredith, think about scheduling a stop at the Alibates Flint Quarries National Monument. I learned a lot about the prehistory of the Americas on that tour. (And yes, I know that chert is not directly relevant to iNat, but it’s still a site not to be missed.)

Anotado por baldeagle hace mas de 4 años

FWIW, Alibates is absolutely great for wildlife anyway; I've seen porcupine, pronghorn, badgers, coyotes, a solid assortment of herps (it's great for night snakes, and lined snakes, has a variety of amphibians, etc).

Anotado por williampaulwhite17 hace mas de 4 años

Howdy all,

I've been reviewing iNat observations (mostly for the Herps of Texas project) and noticed most, if not all, of y'all tagged in this comment are fairly active iNatters in the Texas Panhandle so I wanted to make y'all aware/invite y'all to join the BioBlitz's scheduled for late May at both of the Matador and Gene Howe WMAs.

I tried to cross reference anyone previously tagged in this thread, but I may have missed some so my apologies if you've already been tagged or were aware of the event.

Save the dates: 29 May - 1 June, 2020.

Matador Wildlife Management Area: 3036 FM 3256, Paducah, TX 79248 -- 28,183 acres
Gene Howe Wildlife Management Area: FM 2266, Canadian, TX 79014 -- 5,886 acres

We'll plan for 29 and 30 May at Matador WMA and then 31 May and 1 June at Gene Howe WMA.

@badger8181 @paul_crump @djwright68 @jameshoskins @jcm4626 @toddmontandon @brads @travisdimler @atrox77 @toby @dkwalkup @ashleytubbs @drew_harvey @fundad @croelke @kcampbell @jacobk @corey01 @rowdius @catherine_g @jordandcochran @dare2bloom @matttex26 @jbroadhead @brooksy

Anotado por russellm08 hace mas de 4 años
Anotado por badger8181 hace mas de 4 años

Thanks for the invite! I'll plan on being there! Haven't ever ventured out to those management areas!

Anotado por jacobk hace mas de 4 años

We are publishing about 20 county records of herps from the eastern panhandle counties of Texas. All caught in a week in late May this year.

Anotado por toby hace mas de 4 años

The new Texas Parks and Wildlife Magazine (December 2019) has an article about the WMAs in Texas called "Roughing It". It's a good read :)

Anotado por jwn hace mas de 4 años


Anotado por jwn hace mas de 4 años

Adding to my calendar, though don't know if I'll be able to make it.

Anotado por rymcdaniel hace mas de 4 años

If we're booking accommodations, do you think we'd start early on the 29th (as in, need to be there the night before)?

Anotado por justjenny hace mas de 4 años

Suggestions as to available motels? My pocketbook prefers the two-star type of lodging.

Anotado por connlindajo hace mas de 4 años

These are great questions -- I need to find out some more info and update everyone on these gatherings! Stay tuned...

Anotado por sambiology hace mas de 4 años

@connlindajo I can't speak to the accommodations around Gene Howe. But when I'm at Matador WMA I generally stay in Childress, 25 miles north, there are a plethora of your standard 2-star type hotels in town since 287 runs right thru town. The prices usually run between $45 to $110 a night depending on the property. As I mentioned much earlier in this thread, Paducah is 10 miles south of the WMA, but it only has the one small Hotel "The Hunters Lodge". It is a neat older building that was once a Funeral parlor, it is usually no more than $70 a night.

Anotado por oddfitz hace mas de 4 años

I was planning on camping, but is there a primitive campsite at Gene Howe? The website doesn't say.

Anotado por kucycads hace mas de 4 años

Regarding accommodations near Gene Howe. Last time I was up there (May 2011) hotel rooms were at a premium. Prices were high and availability was low presumably due to oil field exploration and the high per diem those people get. Most rooms were $100+ and there were none available in Canadian. I had to drive to Perryton to find a room in a hotel that I might have had to be generous to give two stars.
I don't know if those conditions still exist, but it might be worth anticipating and booking in advance?

Anotado por sandboa hace mas de 4 años

There is a primitive campground at Gene Howe. I can't remember if there is water there, but there is a pit toilet. Feral hogs like to visit at night, so be aware. There are motels in Canadian, but depending upon the oil and gas activity they may or may not be available or very expensive.

Anotado por jotol hace mas de 4 años

I just booked 5 nights in Childress at the Days Inn. very reasonable priced, averaged about $65 a night before taxes.

Anotado por royaltyler hace mas de 4 años

@royaltyler that's great.. But did you book this stay for these events? Matador being 25 minutes away is easy but Gene Howe is roughly 2 hours north. Canadian and Perryton are much closer options for the Gene Howe leg of this particular adventure.

Anotado por oddfitz hace mas de 4 años

@oddfitz Thanks. The more I look at it, the less I want to go. Those locations are difficult for out-of-towners. No decent hotels anywhere near there.

Anotado por royaltyler hace mas de 4 años

@emrys_fergus This is the iNaturalist gathering scheduled in the Panhandle. Hope it happens. I have been looking forward to it since last August.

So good to meet you and Carrie this morning and thanks bunches for the help.

Another reason to go is to meet Sam Kieschnick aka sambiology. He is an iNat (and TMN) powerhouse.

And ....just to meet face to face all those other great iNat folks!

Anotado por connlindajo hace cerca de 4 años

I'm still hoping this happens as well! As I find out anything, I'll let all know. :)

Anotado por sambiology hace cerca de 4 años

I had plans to go, but I lost my home to fire on 2/29 and now with this pandemic, I'm out. I was going to book my hotel stays that weekend, too.

Anotado por daniel112 hace cerca de 4 años

@daniel112, That's horrible that you lost your home. Hope you get everything sorted out, but I guess being in the middle of the pandemic makes everything more complicated. Really sorry!

Anotado por annikaml hace cerca de 4 años

Not to worry if we can't go this year. Given Sam's penchant for early notification, he should be posting details of the 2026 trip any day now :)

Anotado por jwn hace cerca de 4 años

So sorry to hear that!

I've also got my heart set on going, so unless the National Guard stops me or the WMAs shut down, I'll be there.

Anotado por bosqueaaron hace cerca de 4 años

I share @bosqueaaron sentiments and am happy to explore alone. Daniel112, I'm truly sorry about your home and wish you the very best.

Anotado por amzapp hace cerca de 4 años

Barring a shelter at home order, I plan on being there. That said, tomorrow at 9:00am Tarrant County has an announcement and I figure they're going to follow Dallas County's lead. That said, it does allow for walks outdoors and doesn't specify how close said outdoors must be.

Anotado por clay_s hace cerca de 4 años

Hi All,
We just got word that, in addition to State Parks being temporarily closed to the public, camping at WMAs is now closed to everyone with the exception of permitted hunters scheduled for a hunt this spring. As of latest updates, WMAs are still open for day use and will be monitored by management staff. These bioblitzes are still some weeks away, so stay tuned for further updates... hopefully some good news.

Anotado por taniahomayoun hace cerca de 4 años

They've refunded my reservations for late April so it looks like they're planning on at least the rest of April.

Anotado por williampaulwhite17 hace cerca de 4 años

Good luck everyone.. May 29th is my birthday so if we no longer have to be quarantined, I plan on having a party. Hope you all have fun for those that go.

Anotado por madisong hace cerca de 4 años

@madisong mine is May 30th! We can party together!! I so hope this event will happen :)

Anotado por txstack hace cerca de 4 años

Just checking in to see if this might still be a go. I've taken days off from work to be able to participate and I'd like to save that time off if this is canceled. Let's hope it isn't!

Anotado por tadamcochran hace cerca de 4 años

I've still got it on my calendar -- REALLY hoping it still happens...

Unfortunately, I think it's one of those things that we won't know until like May if it's going to be able to happen or not. Again, I've still got it planned and my vacation day are already chiseled in stone for that weekend. I WILL be out in nature that weekend...I just hope it's a little further than my own backyard... :-/

As soon as I know anything, I'll update all.

Anotado por sambiology hace cerca de 4 años

Regarding what @taniahomayoun mentioned above: By late May, I'm hoping camping will be re-opened at the WMA for us commoners. I'm either car camping...or skipping the event.

Anotado por gcwarbler hace cerca de 4 años

Ditto on the camping! I will not be able to go if no camping is available. Still Hoping to make it all happen!

Anotado por mikef451 hace cerca de 4 años

Same here, camping or a no-go. :-(

Anotado por annikaml hace cerca de 4 años

I do not have the usual camping equipment and lack any camping experience, so I have been googling "Car Camping" on the internet. I may not be the one with the proper or stylish gear, but I will be there if this event happens. Looking forward to it.
I missed the Del Rio get together and still regret it. I do not want to miss another!

Anotado por connlindajo hace cerca de 4 años

@eaneubauer - if this event happens (see discussion above), this is something you might be interested in.

@sambiology - I 'met' Eric on iNat recently over discussions about Baskettail IDs. He mentioned that he met @connlindajo on iNat and she introduced him to the TMN. He's been posting a bunch of neat things from Milam County (a 'hole' in iNat observations).

Anotado por beschwar hace cerca de 4 años

Hey all,

Just FYI -- I did get a message from the WMA folks, and it's still ok for us to come. Obviously, this is going to be a lot smaller than originally planned, but that's ok. Camping is allowed on the WMA, but of course, we need to observe the social distancing. I'll bring a cattle prod to enforce it. :)

Important: let me know as soon as you can that you're able to come. I need to have a list of names to give to the WMA folks. Also, let me know if you're planning on camping or if you'll be staying at a hotel 'nearby.' I don't plan for us to 'go out to eat' like we've done at other gatherings either, so it'll be a little more 'roughing it' than in the past.

If you aren't able to come, no worries! We'll work on another gathering soon. :)

Anotado por sambiology hace cerca de 4 años

I still have it on my calendar, Sam.

Anotado por gcwarbler hace cerca de 4 años

I'll have to send my regrets. Another time, I hope.

Anotado por baldeagle hace cerca de 4 años

Yes! And I will be there for the whole time. Camping for me.

Anotado por annikaml hace cerca de 4 años

I'm still in!! Just put me down for camping in both locations. I did get a room for the night of the 30th, but camping the night of the 29th and 31st. Looking forward to it!

Anotado por tadamcochran hace cerca de 4 años

Unfortunately I won't be able to make it, maybe next time. Good luck everyone.

Anotado por kucycads hace cerca de 4 años

YES! I'm in! Hotel, most likely.

Anotado por amzapp hace cerca de 4 años

I'm staying in @annikaml 's tent but she doesn't know it yet :) Assuming that doesn't work out I have hotel reservations. Looking forward to it!

Anotado por jwn hace cerca de 4 años

@jwn @amzapp What hotels are you using?

Anotado por connlindajo hace cerca de 4 años

Hi Linda Jo! Holiday Inn Express Childress and Best Western Oasis Canadian.

Anotado por jwn hace cerca de 4 años

@sambiology I'm pending approval from my CoC. I'll probably camp.

Anotado por russellm08 hace cerca de 4 años

My husband and I will be there 5/29-5/31!! So glad it’s still a go. I have a VRBO south of Childress. Can’t wait!!

Anotado por txstack hace cerca de 4 años

I'm so disappointed that I won't be able to make it. I was looking forward to seeing cool moths, beetles, and snakes as well as hanging out with other iNatters. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone's observations though!

Anotado por melissa_duron hace cerca de 4 años

@Sam Will see you there. Staying at hotels. Thanks for suggestions @jwn!

Anotado por connlindajo hace cerca de 4 años

Still a go for me. Hotel for both locations.

Anotado por oddfitz hace cerca de 4 años

I will be there Sam, camping both locations.

Anotado por mikef451 hace cerca de 4 años

@sambiology Will there be a generator? Should I bring the big mothing gear or will we just be going with UV lights?

Anotado por tadamcochran hace cerca de 4 años

Still awaiting work schedules for that time. Hopefully I can make a couple of days!

Anotado por k8thegr8 hace cerca de 4 años

I will not be able to make it, I'm on call for work that weekend so I'm not allowed to leave Lubbock city limits. Hopefully next time though I can go!

Anotado por jacobk hace cerca de 4 años

Looks like I won't be able to make it this time around; I'm still in Delaware keeping close to my mom who's a nurse in a high risk setting. I look forward to being back in Texas for the next get together! Find some cool spiders for me! :)

Anotado por wildcarrot hace cerca de 4 años

@tadamcochran I will have my MV light with me and plenty of extension cord.

Anotado por mikef451 hace cerca de 4 años

Not going to be able to make it.

Anotado por williampaulwhite17 hace cerca de 4 años

If I make it I'll be camping the whole time. Still about 50/50 odds...

Anotado por beschwar hace cerca de 4 años

@sambiology I will n ot be able to make this outing hopefully the next

Anotado por gpstewart hace cerca de 4 años

@sambiology Sorry, but I don't feel safe coming during the pandemic. Hopefully I can make the next one.

Anotado por cosmiccat hace cerca de 4 años

Out of an abundance of caution for myself and others, I'm not going to be coming up there. I'm disappointed, but I'd rather be safe (and keep any germs I may be carrying to myself) and wait for the situation to improve. Happy iNatting to all those who are going!

Anotado por taniahomayoun hace cerca de 4 años

I was really hoping to come, but just too many things going on to prevent me from traveling.

Anotado por scottbuckel hace cerca de 4 años

I out as well. Stay safe y'all

Anotado por mchlfx hace cerca de 4 años

Chili's officially rescinded my vacation time, so I'm out :(

Anotado por bosqueaaron hace cerca de 4 años

not going to happen for me, not entirely comfortable with traveling away from the home base yet.

Anotado por jblinde hace cerca de 4 años

I am still hoping to come if I can pull strings to borrow capming gear from a friend or two. And get final approval from family. Are premits needed for both locations? I looked and I believe Howe does. I have mine already but just asking for others who may not?

Anotado por brentano hace cerca de 4 años

I looked a little closer and it does state on Matador WMA site that the Limited Public Use permit is required.

Anotado por brentano hace cerca de 4 años

I think this has already been said way up above somewhere, but you can print out the receipt for a LPU permit in the event that you don't have it in-hand by then. Here is the website.


Anotado por beschwar hace cerca de 4 años

Hey all,

First of all, totally ok if you're not able to make this gathering. It's going to be much smaller, and it will have a way different feel than all of the other gatherings we've done. The camaraderie will have to be at a distance, and that's gonna be different. No frets though -- hopefully our next gathering will be much like the ones of the past -- lots of close gatherings at the moth sheets and all.

Also, no need for any permits at this event -- everyone will be under the TPWD permit that I'll have for this gathering. Now, if you do want to purchase one, feel free to, but it's not needed for this gathering.

I'm still checking to see if there will be electricity/outlet at either location -- I've not been to either spot, so hopefully I'll get word back soonish. I'll have a couple of my own blacklights with their own power source, so hopefully we'll still be able to do some sort of black-lighting.

I'll update everyone that's planning on coming on where we can meet up and some more info as I get it. :)

Anotado por sambiology hace cerca de 4 años

Directions to each location would be nice. ;-)

Anotado por gcwarbler hace cerca de 4 años

I know generally where each of these WMA's is. I should have been more specific: I am asking about campground locations, rendezvous locations, times, etc.

Anotado por gcwarbler hace cerca de 4 años

Sorry Chuck, good point. I'm very familiar with Matador and a little with Gene Howe. Sam will have to speak about meeting times, etc.

Matador WMA is easy as FM 3256 dead ends into the WMA. The headquarters is on the southside of the road leading in, and shows as the "destination" in Google and Apple maps. Just beyond the headquarters on the left (southside) is the campground that allows generator use. The main campground is at the "end" of FM 3256 as it turns into a dirt road on the northside of the road. Both locations have a basic vault composting bathroom facility (no running water)., as well as covered picnic areas.

Gene Howe is bisected by FM 2266, the headquarters is on the south side of the road approx. 5 miles east of Canadian. The campground is about 1/2 mile further east on FM 2266 on the north side of the road, it also has a basic vault composting bathroom facility.

Anotado por oddfitz hace cerca de 4 años

I've car-camped at Lake Marvin, a few miles east of the Gene Howe WMA. That was my intention this trip but if there's a campground at the WMA, I'll be there instead.

Anotado por gcwarbler hace cerca de 4 años

Here is some useful information on campgrounds:

They sound pretty rudimentary. I have a moth setup and a portable battery. Happy to let folks charge cell phone, camera batteries during the day (I can recharge the battery at night - hotel).

Anotado por amzapp hace cerca de 4 años

Is anyone interested in sharing a hotel room? Primitive camping not an option for me. I need electricity.

Anotado por brentano hace cerca de 4 años

I'm not going to be able to make it. My daughter who has been in Hawaii since January is finally coming home next week so I want to be here for that. She ended up staying 2 months longer at an eco lodge due to quarantine from her internship. https://hawaiiansanctuary.com/ . I'm sure you guys will have a great time!!!

Anotado por butterflies4fun hace cerca de 4 años

My son and I are definitely coming. We are planning to spend several days camping and observing in the region, and will almost certainly be visiting a number of remote places across the northernmost panhandle for a day or two before this distanced shindig starts.

I will have a truck with a power inverter, and will also plan to bring a moth sheet.

Looking forward to seeing some of you and waving and speaking loudly! :-)


Anotado por beschwar hace cerca de 4 años

I plan on coming and camping. Looking forward to seeing everyone!

Anotado por nathantaylor hace cerca de 4 años

I won't be attending this bioblitz. I was looking forward to it, but its just not going to work out this time. Please, keep me advised of similar opportunities in the future! Sending my best iNat vibes to those who can attend. Find some good stuff! I'll look forward to seeing and helping identify all of the obserations.

Anotado por lovebirder hace cerca de 4 años

Sadly, I have to be on call for the hospital. =(((((

Anotado por k8thegr8 hace cerca de 4 años

Updated journal entry with a few more details:

So bummed that many of you, my dear friends, can't join us. Please don't fret though -- there will be gatherings in the future, I PROMISE! :)

Everyone stay safe, healthy, and happy.

Anotado por sambiology hace cerca de 4 años

Sadly, I am unable to attend. I was really hoping to look for some Hedeomas up in that part of the state. If you see any, don't forget to note the smell and get a good pic of the calyx! ;) Hopefully things will be back to normal the next time one of these things rolls around. Hope you guys have fun.

Anotado por rymcdaniel hace cerca de 4 años

count me in (and I'll be camping) so please add me to your list

Anotado por pynklynx hace cerca de 4 años

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