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CCG May 12th 2017

We went to camp common ground today May 12th 2017. It was a sunny day about 60 degrees F the grass was a little wet. We went out around 9:15 and left around 10:15 we were there for about an hour.

We went down and saw some animals and tracks. We saw a few snakes a gardener and a milk snake I also found a salamander. Around our trail cam were we set it there was raccoon and turkey tracks. It looks like they were going down to drink. Farther away from our cam we saw deer cams. And the people who set the tracking trap got fox prints. We got photos of a rat-con, squirrel, and a bird. This is what we got this week.

Publicado el 12 de mayo de 2017 a las 02:36 PM por russe russe


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