Notes from the field today

Walking a ridge forest at ca.1300masl de la loma entre r.nambillo and r. cinto, I was surprised to see how many epiphytic orchids were in seed and/or looked as if their next flowering cycle was a long ways from now. This part of the world has a pronounced dry season, roughly June-Dec. That said, 2 Stelis and 2 Pleurothallids, plus an Oncidium and a Lepanthes from a ridge isnt' bad. This place merits at least several more visits this year to see how much the flowering cycle changes: I saw hundreds of tiny Pleurothallids with seed and/or leaves only (Platystele and others?) today.

Publicado el 03 de julio de 2018 a las 01:09 AM por rudygelis rudygelis


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