Current butterfly activity in the yard.

During the last two days, the most abundant butterflies in the yard have been: 1) Duskywings (by a long shot) - Juvenal’s, Horace’s, and Sleepy; 2) Falcate Orangetips; and 3) Eastern Tiger Swallowtails.

The Duskywings have been nectaring prolifically on Redbud flowers. I’ve been looking up in the Redbuds in search of Henry’s Elfins. All I see, though, is Duskywings. But, I’ve found at least three Henry’s Elfins down on the ground on the gravel driveway.

Publicado el 14 de abril de 2024 a las 06:26 PM por rossberryhill rossberryhill


Good thinking to document this

Anotado por danlego hace 6 meses

Thanks, @danlego . The interactions between plants, insects, and phenology seem fascinating…

Anotado por rossberryhill hace 6 meses

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