City Nature Challenge 2021 We need your help!

Hey fellow iNaturalists!

We need your help! My organization, the Rolling Plains Chapter of Texas Master Naturalist*, invites YOU to join us in the 2021 City Nature Challenge. April 30 through May 3, 2021, participants will take site specific photos of insects, birds, plants, or any wild living organism. This is a friendly world-wide competition of pre-determined city regions with winning cities being announced on May 10. Our region will include the following 10 counties in Texas: Archer, Baylor, Clay, Foard, Hardeman, Jack, Montague, Wichita, Wilbarger, and Young. Any observations made during the dates above in these counties will be included in our count for the competition.

While there are no physical prizes for the area that has the most observations, you certainly can gain a better connection with the nature around you and have fun doing it while recognizing that you are contributing to our knowledge of what is in our area. Biodiversity documentation from this event has been responsible for research and the sightings of over 1,000 rare or endangered species that might have been over looked! Along with the satisfaction of helping grow biodiversity documentation for the world, you can enjoy some friendly competition in the soul-refreshing outdoors!

I see that you are active with iNaturalist and want to encourage you to help us collect as many observations as we can during this event. We also could use your help with ID'ing after the event.
Here is the website for the event:

We will being having some specific site events during this time that I will post about.
Thank you in advance for helping us document biodiversity in our area!

Lynn Seman
Rolling Plains Chapter Texas Master Naturalist



Publicado el 20 de enero de 2021 a las 03:45 PM por rlseman rlseman


Lynn, if you are looking for sites in Jack County, please call me at 214-850-8778. We might offer a free day to photograph on Sunday, May 2 at Marluc Bella Vita Ranch. We have 188 acres with a lake and ponds, five miles of all-weather trails and another five miles of hike and bike trails around the forests at the lake and the wooded meadow.

Anotado por jimattrell hace mas de 3 años

We'll try to get there.

Anotado por jsuplick hace mas de 3 años

I'll certainly be on the lookout for cool critters to upload!

Anotado por elytrid hace mas de 3 años

The City Nature Challenge is getting closer! Don't forget! April 30-May 3!

Anotado por rlseman hace mas de 3 años

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