Budding beginnings

"Spring is here! Spring is here!" is the excited cry of every nature lover. It truly is an exhilarating time for any given nature enthusiast! Flowers are blooming, grass is growing, and birds are beginning to sing! But what happens before spring comes? It is the dead of winter. Nothing is alive. But at the first sight of a budding flower, a pluse of joy is sent through the body. Spring is on its way!


Sometimes we feel like spring will never come. But will it? Are the promises of God really sure. "For as the rain comes down, and the snow from heaven, And do not return there, But water the earth, and make it bring forth and bud, That it may give seed to the sower And bread to the eater, So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void, But it shall accomplish what I please, And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it." (Isaiah 55:10,11 NKJV) Gods promises have not failed. Spring has come every year at its appointed time. No matter how dead winter may seem, plants soon begin to shoot up and birds begin to sing. So don't lose hope. Even though the present may seem dark and dreary, God has a bright hope and a future for you! (see Jeremiah 29:11) If you choose Jesus, then you choose happiness. Although you may be going through some tough time, His presence right beside you will cheer you on. (see Isaiah 41:10)
"Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father's house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also." (John 14:1-3) This world feels like the dead of winter. But heaven is like a beautiful spring garden where you can pick a never fading flower! Jesus wants you to live in heaven with Him forever! The second you ask Jesus to for give you of your sins is the second that He writes you down in the guest book of heaven!

Publicado el 13 de marzo de 2022 a las 05:13 PM por prestonthomas prestonthomas


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Sanguinaria Norteamericana (Sanguinaria canadensis)


Febrero 25, 2022 a las 04:34 PM EST


Bloodroot is definitely one of my favorite flowers! I was surprised that they were already blooming in February! They grow in a wooded valley that has rich soil. Sometimes a small stream flows down from the hill above. That makes the soil very rich.
In the same way that the bloodroot grows in a well watered valley, so God desires us to grow in a well watered valley. He is the Water of life. (see John 4:13,14) Jesus supplies us with the strength we need to face each day. Just pray to Him! He wants us to prosper like the beautiful bloodroot! Just like the bloodroot is shaded by the trees from the sun, so God wants to shade us from the bad things in this world. I hope you’re blessed!

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Febrero 25, 2022 a las 05:02 PM EST

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Azulete Pérsico (Veronica persica)


Febrero 25, 2022 a las 05:02 PM EST

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Berro Amargo (Cardamine hirsuta)


Febrero 25, 2022 a las 05:03 PM EST

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Hiedra Terrestre (Glechoma hederacea)


Febrero 25, 2022 a las 05:01 PM EST

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Lamio Púrpura (Lamium purpureum)


Febrero 25, 2022 a las 04:40 PM EST

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Febrero 25, 2022 a las 04:35 PM EST

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Berro Amargo de Virginia (Cardamine concatenata)


Febrero 25, 2022 a las 04:27 PM EST

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Marzo 10, 2022 a las 01:08 PM EST

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Berro Amargo de Virginia (Cardamine concatenata)


Marzo 10, 2022 a las 01:11 PM EST

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Hierba Gallinera (Stellaria media)


Marzo 10, 2022 a las 01:15 PM EST

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Marzo 10, 2022 a las 01:24 PM EST

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Abeja Melífera Europea (Apis mellifera)


Marzo 10, 2022 a las 01:09 PM EST

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Falsa Fresa (Potentilla indica)


Marzo 10, 2022 a las 01:10 PM EST

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Raspilla (Sherardia arvensis)


Marzo 10, 2022 a las 01:18 PM EST

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Minutisa (Lamium amplexicaule)


Febrero 24, 2022 a las 01:09 PM EST


Hasn’t God provided beauty even in the “weeds”!

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Marzo 10, 2022 a las 01:10 PM EST

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Berro Amargo (Cardamine hirsuta)


Febrero 24, 2022 a las 01:10 PM EST

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Marzo 10, 2022 a las 01:19 PM EST


Spring is here! Praise God!


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