Ever Green!🌲

Ever green trees are great! They’re tall, majestic, and outstanding in the winter because they are the only thing that is green. God has called us to be ever green trees too. The world is like deciduous trees in the winter. It is dreary and dead. It has no life. But God came to give us life more abundantly! (See John 10:10) If we live in accordance to the word of God than we shall have life. Something green in the middle of a forest that is gray is attractive. That is why God has called is to be like well springs of water in the desert. When people come to us, we can point them to Jesus who is the way. Ever green trees are always green, not just for a time. So we should reflect Christ character all the time. But we must remember that we cannot be green on our own. It is God who gives us the sunshine and the rain that keeps us living! People around us will see how we are blessed and desire for themselves the goodness that God has given us. Psalm 1 says that we will be like a tree planted by the water who yields its fruit ( representing good works and character) in season. If you ask God, He will make you like an evergreen tree. If you any questions or comments about God, nature, or the Bible fill free to write me!

Publicado el 29 de enero de 2022 a las 02:21 AM por prestonthomas prestonthomas


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Abeto Oriental (Tsuga canadensis)


Enero 20, 2021 a las 04:09 PM EST

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Marzo 12, 2021 a las 11:58 AM EST


Kind of pretty because they give a little hint of green when the world is without it during winter. If we have God in our lives we can be like the pine trees, who are always green. Even when the world around us seems day we will have life, like the pine trees have life during the dead of winter. Pray and ask God to come into your life. He will. If you have any questions about God, nature, or the Bible please write me.

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Pino de Virginia (Pinus virginiana)


Marzo 14, 2021 a las 03:54 PM EDT

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Pinos, Ocotes Y Piñones (Género Pinus)


Noviembre 20, 2021 a las 04:56 PM EST

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Abeto Oriental (Tsuga canadensis)


Noviembre 20, 2021 a las 03:48 PM EST


This is an evergreen tree. God wants us to be evergreen. Even though the world seems drab like winter, we can show others God’s love. We are to show God’s love year round.


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