Journal Entry 1: Biodiversity in Flora observations

One of my observations was the white snakeroot. The white snakeroot has 352 species preceding it, with some of the most recent common ancestors being apache snakeroot, spreading snakeroot, lesser snakeroot, and sticky snakeroot. This plant is the closest ancestor to Ageratina proba and Agerantina warnockii, both of which have no common name associated with them. Ageratina altissima (white snakeroot) has the unique adaptation of being a poisonous herb. This is a selective trait for this species as it increases the chance of survival of the plant in deterring predation. In relation to a common adaptation to all of my observations; plant life cycles can be described as either annuals, biennials or perennials, with perennials being described as plants that live longer than both annuals and biennials and are thus equipped to survive harsh winter months. This would explain why my plants all had the common classification of being perennials, a trait that is selected for in order for the organisms to survive the winters in Montreal.

Publicado el 20 de septiembre de 2021 a las 02:38 AM por ninahardt ninahardt


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