Natural History Story

The most interesting species I observed on my hike for homework five was the Fairy Fingers fungus (Clavaria fragilis). Although it occurs throughout the northern hemisphere, in North America it is more common east of the Rocky Mountains, so it's pretty cool that I got to see it here! It has also been found in Australia and South Africa. In Europe C. fragilis is an indicator species of old unimproved grassland. Since many of these grasslands are threatened in Europe, C. fragilis is a threatened fungi in the Netherlands and Slovenia. C. fragilis is the most common species in the Clavaria genus in North America, but there are several similar species such as C. acuta, C. atkinsoniana, and C. rubicundula.

Publicado el 21 de marzo de 2014 a las 06:45 AM por nfs nfs


Fotos / Sonidos




Marzo 18, 2014


White with brownish tips.


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