Today I returned to Mount Hamilton, didn't go all the way around Livermore this time, but did go up 130 over and a bit down Del Puerto, then back the same way. It was beautiful, lots of flowers, and an interesting variety. Last time the lower elevations were colorful, with goldfields in the valleys, but today those were brown and the higher elevations are more colorful. Thankfully not many people on the road, I drove slowly, stopped frequently, backed up down the road several times and was generally in "I brake for wildflowers" mode. Missed at least one I'd have liked to stop and see (some sort of Orobanche?), since there were no turnouts at all nearby, dammit.
Highlights included several nice patches of Thermopsis, one very satisfying area of Fairy Fans (Clarkia breweri), Whispering bells (Emmenanthe penduliflora) with burnt chaparral, several flavors of sunflowers, and the Blazing stars are still going strong. As elsewhere, there were LOTS of Purple Chinese houses, often covering large areas under burnt oaks. This is their year.
More later, once I process photos...
What a wonderful patch! Nice to see some native yellow, among the fields of Hawksbeard that are otherwise covering Grant right now.
These looked odd, I'm not sure if they're a mutant of a common Delphinium or a different species.
No idea who this is. The leaves were scented. Just one or two on a fairly bare, rocky roadside.
Once again, there were zillions of these in areas that burned last year. It's their year!
There were a few others further along in bloom elsewhere on the road, but they were always in a spot without a turnout anywhere nearby.
Along with quite a diversity of other flowers in a place that burned last year.
Along with quite a diversity of other flowers in a place that burned last year.
Along with quite a diversity of other flowers in a place that burned last year.
This burned hillside had a lot of Red Larkspurs (Delphinium nudicale), attended to by this hummingbird. Unfortunately I didn't get great photos. Likely an Anna's since they're common around here, but maybe not?
Quite a few going up this hillside, in an area that burned last year. Complete with hummingbird attendant.
What a treat to see a scattering of these, in one spot.
In an area that looked like it burned pretty well last year, fairly scorched earth, with a few interesting plants coming up. Just a few Whispering Bells here and there. Interesting scent.
In an area that burned last year, fairly scorched earth, with a few other interesting plants around.
In an area that burned last year, fairly scorched earth, with a few other interesting plants around.
Small poppies, quite a few of them along this stretch of road.
On Yerba Santa
Several nice patches of these along the road, especially in places that burned last year.
Lots of these thriving in chaparral that burned last year. Interesting scent.
In an area that burned last year
In an area that burned last year
Very small and slender, hard to photograph in a useful way.
In an area that burned pretty well last year, rather scorched earth, with a few other interesting plants.
In an area that burned pretty well last year, rather scorched earth, with a few other interesting plants.
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