Geo-171-2014 Homework #2

I observed these three species on February 4th at the UC Berkeley Botanical Gardens. The frog is a member of the amphibian taxon. The myriapod is a member of the phylum arthropoda and represents the animal taxon. I am unsure of the identification of the brown bumps on the fallen leaf - however, my best guess is that they are galls, in which case they would represent a parasite from either the insect or fungi taxa. If they are a natural part of the plant, they represent the plant taxa. All three of these species were "intruders" to the gardens - they are not captive species or intentionally part of the collection. Each was observed indoors, in a greenhouse used for plant starts.

Publicado el 05 de febrero de 2014 a las 02:08 AM por nataliemarisa nataliemarisa


Fotos / Sonidos


Rana-de Coro del Pacífico (Pseudacris regilla)


Febrero 4, 2014 a las 02:58 PM PST

Fotos / Sonidos


Helechos Milpiés o Polipodios (Género Polypodium)


Febrero 4, 2014 a las 01:30 PM PST

Fotos / Sonidos


Febrero 4, 2014 a las 01:43 PM PST


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