Robin's Nest

A Robin moved into an old nest beside out bedroom window in a Elderberry Bush. The first egg appeared around Aug 2 with one more on Aug 4. We put a blind over our window so momma wouldn't fly off every time we went up/down the stairs.

It seems a bit late ... will they make it???

Publicado el 10 de agosto de 2017 a las 12:22 PM por myacadianforest myacadianforest


Jen checked this nest this morning and there were two babies hatched overnight! I watched the parents thru my new scope ... both with invovled with the feeding. A lot of effort to keep the babies fed. Challenging tonight as the temp drops to mid single digits and heavy rain forecast for tomorrow. The parents will be tested.

Anotado por myacadianforest hace casi 7 años

Posted a pic of the two babies in the nest. Starting to show signs of feathers. They have a long way to go before they will be ready to migrate ... will they make it???

Anotado por myacadianforest hace casi 7 años

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