On the Monarch trail

Jen, Stella and I paddled up the Lahave River last night about 7pm -- sunny, light breeze abou 20C -- and spotted two Monarch Butterflies on the Milkweed Flowers. Tried to photograph but I wasn't quick enough to get one. Will try again.

Publicado el 10 de agosto de 2017 a las 12:20 PM por myacadianforest myacadianforest


Spotted five Monachs along the river just above Wentzell Lake. Jen was able to get photos and video. She picked up some Milkweed pods to plant at the lake,

Taking a workshop on Monarchs on Thursday August 17, 2017 at MTRI.

Anotado por myacadianforest hace casi 7 años

Yesterday I took a Monarch Butterfly workshop at the Mersey Tobeatic Research Institute (MTRI). Came home with two Milkweed plants and lots of ideas.

Anotado por myacadianforest hace casi 7 años

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