
Just a quick note to celebrate the 100,000th iNat observation in Manitoba! It happened this morning, but I'm not sure who submitted lucky 100,000, though I wouldn't be surprised if it was one of Manitoba's iNaturalist 'power users' - @marykrieger and @seraphinpoudrier - who both uploaded a number of observations this morning. Congrats to everyone who has submitted observations, whether it's 1 or 1000; they all add to our (individual and collective) knowledge of biodiversity in Manitoba. Even with 100,000 observations, there's still so much more to photograph and document in our wonderfully diverse province, so keep your eyes (and ears) open this summer as you explore MB.

Publicado el 20 de mayo de 2021 a las 02:42 PM por manitoba_cdc manitoba_cdc


Wow, bravo !

Anotado por seraphinpoudrier hace cerca de 3 años

high five!

Anotado por marykrieger hace cerca de 3 años

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