13 Nov/16

It's been a warm Fall so far here in the prairies. Right now about 10C, no clouds and a strong W wind. In spite of that, non-human life has long gotten ready for winter, or at least is getting ready for winter. There are few insects out and about - they must be out there, the late fall one (I don't see them, though), but all the rest have 'gone to ground' so to speak. Diapause in whatever stage they pass the winter. The trees have lost their leaves and even the remaining green plants have stopped growing. The die hards are here though - chickadees, nuthatches, jays, crows, house sparrows and starlings. The water is still open, so Canada geese are still hanging around. Most of the migratory birds have moved on - we had a bunch of juncos here for about two weeks or so, but they have now left. While out at the Parker Wetlands yesterday, I saw a white tailed deer. My dog didn't see it, so that's a good thing. Though the last time he saw a deer there, he wasn't sure what to do about it.

Publicado el 13 de noviembre de 2016 a las 08:08 PM por mamestraconfigurata mamestraconfigurata


I talk about all these animals, but it's kind of frustrating. I don't have a camera, so can't take pictures of them. Amazingly, in the middle of a city, there is lots of wildlife. Helps to have a river close by!

Anotado por mamestraconfigurata hace mas de 7 años

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