The Tree in the Middle of the Road

This Maple has always captured my attention—probably because it grows directly in the middle of the road! What makes it special for me, is that tree took root in this place long before someone decided to build a road. How neat is it that instead of taking the tree down they built the road around it!

This Journal is my attempt to document how this tree changes through the seasons. What life makes their home on its bark?

So far I have documented four mosses and one lichen on this tree.

Among the mosses are: the Twisted Moss (Syntrichia ruralis)—I think... ; the beautiful, plumose Dendroalsia abietina; the sleak Isothecium cristatum and the amazing Menzies Tree Moss (Leucolepis acanthoneuron)

Among the lichens, so far I have documented one species of gelatinous lichen. This lichen is neat because cyanobacteria permeate its body, unlike other lichens which conceal algae or cyanobacteria in their interior, behind a layer of fungal cells called the cortex. Turns out this lichen is a rare species, known to only 13 other locales in British Columbia!

I've also noted what I think may be a liverwort... and the epicormic shoots growing out of its trunk is definitely a sight to see!

Publicado el 27 de febrero de 2016 a las 09:05 PM por laurus_nobilis laurus_nobilis


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Arce de Hoja Grande (Acer macrophyllum)


Febrero 22, 2016


This magnificent maple stands in the middle of the road. This year I plan to get to know it a little better...

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Febrero 22, 2016

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Marzo 10, 2016


This particular moss is robust on this Bigleaf Maple.

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Marzo 10, 2016


This moss was less abundant than others; patches of it were found growing on the south side of the tree.

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Marzo 10, 2016


Robust on this Bigleaf maple, on the north side of the tree.

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Marzo 10, 2016

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Arce de Hoja Grande (Acer macrophyllum)


Marzo 10, 2016


A lovely sight of spring: fresh epicormic shoots growing out of the ancient trunk of this Bigleaf maple!

According to Wikipedia:

"Epicormic buds lie dormant beneath the bark, their growth suppressed by hormones from active shoots higher up the plant. Under certain conditions, they develop into active shoots, such as when damage occurs to higher parts of the plant."

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Marzo 10, 2016


Growing at the base of a Bigleaf maple, on the north side of the tree


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