Moist Evergreen Forest-Strawberry Canyon fire trail

Common Snowberry- It's a berry that is a food source in the winter and more adapted to moist environments, maybe because of that it could be found on a Evergreen forest which has a more temperate climate with less extremely variations between summer and winter.

Thimbleberry- It is commonly associated to ecological succession due to forest clearings, near to roadsides and forest fires. It was found near to the trail, it seems to be well adapted to a moist environment.

Toyon- Even though this plant is found on drought environments, I've seen this tree on the Strawberry Canyon fire Trail near to the road on a really dry soil and on a sunny spot, maybe because of its localization this tree could grow. It looks like it was growing well with a tall tree and well adapted to the Evergreen forest.

Redwood- Found near to the trail with a good number of individuals, it is located up to the creek on the higher part of the trail on the valley. Known as a specie that requires a moisture environment and also requires precipitation. The rains in winter helps the ocasional drought and also the fog on the summer. It is also a Evergreen tree so it makes sense that they are well adapted to this place.

Red-flowering Currant- It could be found on a dry or moist environment, it was found near to the trail on a moist space, the plant was expose on a partly shade environment and it looked partially adapted to the environment due to its size it wasn't really tall.

Publicado el 10 de mayo de 2013 a las 03:58 AM por joaoganemabramo joaoganemabramo


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Perlita Blanca (Symphoricarpos albus)


Febrero 10, 2013

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Grosellero Rojo (Ribes sanguineum)


Febrero 10, 2013

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Secuoya Roja (Género Sequoia)


Febrero 10, 2013

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Toyón (Heteromeles arbutifolia)


Febrero 10, 2013

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Frambuesa Dedal (Rubus parviflorus)


Febrero 10, 2013


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