Melanistic Green Heron on Utila - Utila Black Panther Green Heron?

Today I saw a bird that drove me crazy.

It was a heron, it was small, it was dark and it didn't look like anything I'd seen before!

Was it the tiniest Little Blue Heron much smaller than the others I was seeing today? But it didn't have a dark tipped beak!

Was it a Green Heron like the one skulking in the mangroves. Comparing to the Yellow-cowned Night-Heron and Willet standing nearby showed the heron was the right size, but the colors were so wrong.

I took my photos through the binoculars, which of course is less than ideal, but it was out in the open so the pics were useful.

But reviewing Merlin App didn't help. And looking at my book A Guide to the Birds of Nicaragua - Una Guía de Aves didn't help. I know, Honduras isn't Nicaragua, but still... use what you got!

Looking at Wikipedia's list of heron species started getting me somewhere... to the Galapagos? The Lava Heron looked pretty close, but lived so far away. Having a sighting of a Galapagos endemic on Utila Honduras, would be incredible, but I didn't think it was possible. Reading the article revealed that Lava Herons are a subspecies or morph of the Striated Heron and that got me thinking.

Maybe this was a melanistic green heron? Melanistic like a melanistic jaguar is called a black panther? Green Black Panther Heron? Black Green Panther Heron?

I fired up Duck Duck Go and searched for "Melanistic Green Heron" and found a 2018 article published in the Journal of Caribbean Ornithology with my answer. "New sightings of melanistic Green Herons (Butorides virescens) in the Caribbean suggest overlooked polymorphism" revealed my Black Panther Green Heron was the real deal and only described in 2017 on Utila! How cool.

So if you're on Utila, you have a good shot of seeing the Utila Black Panther Green Heron too! What a great sighting on my last full day on the island.

Publicado el 25 de julio de 2022 a las 04:07 AM por jeffrey_simeon jeffrey_simeon


Fotos / Sonidos


Garcita Verde (Butorides virescens)


Julio 17, 2022 a las 07:54 AM CST

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Garza Azul (Egretta caerulea)


Julio 24, 2022 a las 11:18 AM CST


Juvenile Little Blue Herons at a distance. Clear black tipped beak, alternating white and gray feathers.

Fotos / Sonidos


Garcita Verde (Butorides virescens)


Julio 24, 2022 a las 11:09 AM CST


NOTE - this is a Melanistic morph Green Heron not seen frequently, discovered in Utila in 2017. It confused the heck out of me when I saw it. Smaller than a little blue, no black tipped beak, green sheen. Compare to the Willet and Yellow-crowned Night Heron in picture 3.

Fotos / Sonidos


Garcita Verde (Butorides virescens)


Julio 24, 2022 a las 11:15 AM CST


Shy normal plumage green heron in the mangroves.

Fotos / Sonidos


Garza Nocturna Corona Clara (Nyctanassa violacea)


Julio 24, 2022 a las 11:06 AM CST

Fotos / Sonidos


Playero Pihuiuí (Tringa semipalmata)


Julio 24, 2022 a las 11:04 AM CST


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