Revised observation licensing

I have been using iNaturalist for several years now and I have used the all rights reserved imaging license since I created my account. The license of my images and observations were not even a consideration I had for a long time, as the default license was copyrighted. Once I became aware that many people on iNaturalist were licensing their observations with CC-BY-NC I decided to reconsider why I was using all rights reserved. I felt that I didn't want my content to be used without my knowledge. I have thought about it a lot and decided that copyrighting my images is only going to stop honest people from using my content. I'd rather have the data that I am generating to be actually useful to scientists and the general public. I don't plan on profiting off of my images in the first place, and I find it unlikely that anyone else will.

This journal post will likely go unnoticed but I figured I should state my change in licensing.

Publicado el 20 de mayo de 2024 a las 02:41 PM por floraexplores floraexplores


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