Taputeranga Island, Wellington species report. Duncan Cunningham, March 1979-1988.

General account of visits and observations, Taputeranga Island, located in Island Bay, Wellington.

Plant identification input from Colin Ogle.



iNaturalist Place "Taputeranga Island" with recent observations: https://inaturalist.nz/places/taputeranga-island

Publicado el 17 de septiembre de 2023 a las 09:46 PM por duncanmc42 duncanmc42


A bit of ancient history here, Duncan! That visit with youwas my first island field trip with the Wildlife Service! The plant list could do with being updated for nomenclature (e.g. Melicytus oraria) and amending several errors (e.g. Freesia is a monocot and we now know the common adventive one in NZ is not F. refracta but F. leichtlinii).

Anotado por cco hace cerca de un año

So pleased you've commented here and I'd be very happy to see the nomenclature updated. I'd forgotten it was your first island field trip - proud to have enabled that!

Anotado por duncanmc42 hace cerca de un año

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