
It's the end of year. When getting some age, years went slower.

When growing up, people said I have talent, especially in the area of identifying plant and insects. Though books told us to be modest, I don't deny in my heart. This continues even until 2020, when I was sitting in a roadside deli waiting for my dinner in a small town in Sichuan, i was acompanied by this photo of never-seen Swertia in my mind. I said "well, since you are from west of Sichuan and you are Swertia, I will just google Western Sichuan Swertia and see if I can find you". This turned out to be another one of my one shot goal!

For many times, I answered this kind of moment with a simple smile. Life is a swirl, just like what the galaxy looks like, it blindly carries you anywhere and for all the time, the supernova called talent is in a completely different way of shiny.

I admit, acknowledge and accept it. In addition, I got students now. I start to see them being praised as talented. I start giving out my praise of talent, and still, I'm being praised by my parents. I won't say how I see myself as being "talented" now, I won't even describe the feeling, since it is too subtle. But when I praise my student being talented in any subject in and out of biology, I feel both shy and excited. For them, and probably for me.

Of course for nature, I still feel ever close as my childhood innocence. But "talent", too, not complete but at least some. It could start from vanity, especially during teenager years. And in my 30s, it is like candy bars. I have passed the age of savouring them. But I swallow, and enjoy their sliding though my heart.

And it's always so sweet as early years :)

Publicado el 20 de diciembre de 2023 a las 03:05 PM por chao7 chao7


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Septiembre 17, 2020 a las 03:43 PM CST


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