Identification Guide: The Phalanta of mainland Africa

Publicado el 14 de junio de 2019 a las 04:42 PM por cabintom cabintom


Thanks @cabintom. These are good visuals!

Anotado por muir hace mas de 5 años

@muir Wow that was quick! (and thanks!)

Anotado por cabintom hace mas de 5 años

I am just discovering your journal now -- it's amazing! I wish this sort of visual key existed for far more taxa! As you can probably tell from my observations, I can make lots of ignorant mistakes in my identifications. As a non-specialist, technical text keys can overwhelm my own capacities/interest, so your explanations combined with photos that circle the key differences are very welcome!

Now I just gotta get myself to E DRC again.....

Anotado por muir hace mas de 5 años

Wow! Thanks For this.

Anotado por snidge hace mas de 5 años

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