Twin Harbors Beach State Park, Westport, WA (June 2)

Date and Time: June 2, 12:00pm
Location: Twin Harbors Beach State Park, Westport, WA
Weather: Mostly cloudy about 51 degrees
Air Conditions: Relatively windy, cool, and moist
Soil Conditions: Slightly moist
Tide Conditions: Relatively low

Twin Harbors Beach State Park is about 172 acres of land consisting of camping opportunities on the Pacific coast and is four miles south of Westhaven. Located in Westport, Washington,this area allows for great opportunities to study nature, as I'm doing and provides various activities along the ocean shore. To me this is one of the most beautiful places on Earth.

Today, I am at Twin Harbors Beach State Park in Westport, WA to harvest Manila clams. Manila clams are not native to North America, however, when it was introduced to this region the creature quickly adapted to our waters and ranges from locations of British Columbia to northern California. They look similar in size and appearance to littleneck clams; however, Manila clams are oblong in shape and are a little longer. The internal surface of the Manila clam's shell near the siphon end is generally a dark purple color or sometimes yellow. The shells completely close. They favor habitats from gravel to mud to sand, and where the tidal levels are half-way, which is higher than the zone that butter and littleneck clams favor. The black siphon tips on Manilas are split and short. Manila clams can be found in the Puget Sound and can grow rapidly in size. The Manila clam is about 3 inches across and about 1.4 inches in width. Their color is very variable, but, it is commonly grayish brown in color. One thing that I always wondered is if they look different in the location in which these creatures originated?

Publicado el 05 de junio de 2012 a las 07:44 AM por ballev ballev


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