Kalaloch Campground (May 26)

Date and Time: May 26, 12:30pm
Location: Kalaloch, Jefferson County, WA
Weather: Mostly cloudy about 53 degrees
Air Conditions: Relatively windy, cool, and moist
Soil Conditions: Slightly moist

Kalaloch is a small community in western Jefferson County, Washington located on the bluffs just off of Highway 101 on the Olympic Peninsula, overlooking the Pacific Ocean. Kalaloch is located in the Olympic National Park and contains several beach trails that lead to coastal hikes and to the Kalaloch Creek. Kalaloch is an Indian term meaning "good place to land" and indeed it is. I love coming out here to camp, it's a fresh breath of air.

Tonight, I am sitting around the campfire at the Kalaloch Campground and it is so peaceful and quiet. All I hear is the crackling of the firewood burning in the fire. Occasionally, during the night I have learned that Raccoons like to come out and look for food. So I decided to take my flashlight and see if I can spot their glowing eyes in the trees or around the ground and what do you know, I spot a raccoon not too far from my chair hiding by a sword fern. Yes, I was a little startled as they could have rabies or some other disease. But, what really sparked my interest about these creatures is that they are pretty abundant around the Pacific Northwest. I have seen them in many neighborhoods and I will never forget the time when I was about eight years old, I had forgotten to bring my bag of candy in the tent one night and the next morning I see traces of my candy wrappers on the ground and the bag in a tree. I was so amazed by this. Raccoons are very smart animals. The raccoon is a native mammal that is about 3 feet long which includes its foot long, bushy, ringed black and gray tail. I have also noticed that their hind legs are longer than the front legs therefore, raccoons looked like they are hunched backed when they walk or run. Their front feet have five toes that allow them to grasp and manipulate food. Raccoons favor forest areas, particularly near a stream or water source. However, they have adapted to many different environments throughout Washington. Adult raccoons weigh about 15 to 40 pounds but, males have weighed in at over 60 pounds!It is observed that a raccoon in the wild will most likely weigh less than an urbanized raccoon that basically is fed by humans, eats pet food, and leftovers from garbage-cans. Raccoons favor clams, crayfish, frogs, fish, and snails, however, they also eat things from insects, slugs, dead animals, birds and bird eggs, to fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds. It's crazy how Raccoons have adapted to the things humans do, that they seen in densely populated areas.

Publicado el 05 de junio de 2012 a las 06:44 AM por ballev ballev


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