Sequim (May 19)

Date and Time: May 19, 6:00pm
Location: Sequim, Clallam County, WA
Weather: Mostly cloudy about 58 degrees
Tide conditions: Relatively high
Grassland Conditions: Relatively dry

Sequim is considered the "Lavender Capital of North America" and is located in Clallam County in the Port Angeles metro area by the Olympic Peninsula. The Name Sequim is derived from the Indian term meaning "quiet water." The elevation is approximately 184 feet and the estimated population is about 4,704. The vegetation in Sequim is quite different from vegetation around Seattle. In Sequim there is much more grassland and open fields. It's more meadow-like than in forests further from the coast. Sequim lies within the rainshadow of the Olympic Mountains therefore, Sequim gets an average of less than 15 inches of rain per year. This is pretty incredible.

Today, when I was looking out into the meadow I spotted a group of Columbian Black-Tailed Deer! Columbian Black-Tailed Deer are a subspecies of the Mule Deer, that are located on North America's Pacific Coast. The Columbian black-tailed deer is found in western North America, ranging from Northern California into the Pacific Northwest to coastal British Columbia. This species of Deer favors the edge of the forest and because dark, thick forests don't allow light from the sun to penetrate through to the understory, the understory lacks, therefore the grasslands are where the Black-Tailed Deer go to find food. However, these places are completely open and lack hiding spots and places for shelter during harsh weather. So black-tailed deer have one plant that they have grown to eat, western poison oak, despite it being poisonous. The best time to see this deer is around dawn and dusk. The Columbian Black-Tailed Deer is distinguishable by its black tail, the tail is broad and the backside of the tail is covered with a dark brown color that gets black near the tip. And when the Deer is alarmed or fleeing from danger, the tail may be raised to display its broad, white underside. An average adult black-tailed deer buck weighs about 140 to 200 pounds and adult doe weighs about 90 to 130 pounds. What interests me about Deer is that they are found in the most populated areas at times and they just continue with their day ignoring the humans around them.

Publicado el 05 de junio de 2012 a las 04:40 AM por ballev ballev


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