Smythe Park, Toronto, Canada

Red-bellied Woodpecker, a nice surprise to see.

Lots of grackles.

Blacked-capped Chickadee

Red-winged blackbirds were making lots of noise.

Leucistic American Robin

Mallard hybrid. They were enjoying eating out of the Black Creek Flood Control Channel.

I've been seeing song sparrows in this area.

Junco still around, a bit of ice on one pond.

Goldfinch, with its bright colours.

Red-eared slider turtle. I suspect the park is a hotspot for people dumping pet turtles.

Blue Jay

Slowly things are turning green.

Publicado el 27 de marzo de 2021 a las 09:16 PM por artg artg


Nice selection of photos, Arthur. I'm wondering if the Mallard Ducks are partially leucistic, too.

Anotado por jeanh hace mas de 3 años

I think that they're just crosses with domestic ducks.

Anotado por artg hace mas de 3 años

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