Mountain Garter Snake

Thamnophis elegans elegans

Summary 4

Like other subspecies of Thamnophis elegans, Mountain Garter Snakes usually have 8 upper labial scales with some degree of enlargement in the 6th and 7th scales, though usually not as extreme as the coastal subspecies. These snakes are fairly commons around lakes and in wet marshes in the Sierra Nevada.

Fuentes y créditos

  1. (c) 1999 California Academy of Sciences, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-NC-SA),
  2. (c) Christy King, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-NC-SA), subido por Christy King
  3. (c) 1999 California Academy of Sciences, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-NC-SA),
  4. (c) Ken-ichi Ueda, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-SA)

Más información

NaturaLista Mapa

Region Sierra Nevada