Normandina pulchella

Description 2

 Thallus: squamulose, indeterminate, heteromerous, in irregular patches up to a dm or more in diam. but usually smaller; squamules: plane to concave, rounded and shell-like, with sharply raised margins, undivided or with distinct marginal lobes, 1-2 mm wide, 30-70 µm thick, sometimes becoming leprose, scattered or partly becoming contiguous forming dense colonies; upper surface: pale gray to green, with greenish soredia on the surface and along the margin; soredia: farinose to granular, 20-50 µm in diam.; upper cortex: pseudoparenchymatous and up to 10 µm thick, or hardly evident; medulla: hardly evident; photobiont layer: distinct, 35-60 µm thick, composed of hyphae with mostly globose or ellipsoid cells arranged in a net-like structure surrounding groups of algal cells; lower surface: white-tomentose; Spot tests: all negative; Secondary metabolite: zeorin.; Substrate and ecology: usually on other lichens and over mosses, also on naked bark and on stone, in areas or in microhabitats with high air humidity; World distribution: cosmopolitan on all continents except Antarctica; Sonoran distribution: Arizona, southern California and Chihuahua from 320 to 2570 m. 

Fuentes y créditos

  1. (c) CALS, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-NC-ND), subido por CALS
  2. (c) Lichen Unlimited: Arizona State University, Tempe., algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-NC-SA),

Más información

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Form squamulose
Color green
Substrate bark, moss