Northern Pintail

Anas acuta

Anas acuta 3

A large (26-30 inches) duck, the male Northern Pintail is most easily identified by its gray back and flanks, white neck, dark brown head, and long, pin-like tail. Female Northern Pintails are mottled tan overall, with slightly shorter tails and bills. Males are almost unmistakable in their range and habitat, while females may be distinguished from other tan female ducks by their longer necks.

The Northern Pintail inhabits much of the Northern Hemisphere. In the New World, this species breeds in Alaska, Canada, and the northern United States, wintering from western Canada and the southern half of the United States south to Central American and the West Indies. In the Old World, this species breeds from Iceland and Scandinavia east to Siberia, wintering in Europe, North and East Africa, South Asia, and several islands in the western Pacific Ocean. Northern Pintails breed in shallow marshes, ponds, and lakes, primarily those surrounded by prairie or tundra. During the winter, this species may be found in freshwater or saltwater wetland habitats, including lakes, marshes, and estuaries.

Northern Pintails eat a variety of plant and animal foods, including seeds, aquatic plants, insects, and other small invertebrates. Northern Pintails may be seen swimming on small to medium-sized bodies of water, where they may be observed foraging for food. This species may also be observed taking off straight up from the water or undertaking straight, swift flights on migration or between breeding or foraging grounds. Northern Pintails are most active during the day.

Threat Status: Least concern

Fuentes y créditos

  1. (c) Rick Leche, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-NC),
  2. (c) Agustín Povedano, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-NC-SA),
  3. (c) Unknown, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-NC-SA),

Más información

Range Map

NaturaLista Mapa

Animal Bird
Color brown, grey, white
Bird Anatidae (ducks geese & swans)