Monterey Ceanothus

Ceanothus cuneatus var. rigidus

Description 2

Monterey Ceanothus is a prized garden shrub because of its dense intricate habit and small dark green leaves that are clustered on short lateral branchlets. Its flowers are very typical of the Rhamnaceae or Buckthorn family. They are small and bisexual with five sepals and five incurved concave petals, each of which envelops or closely subtends a stamen. The Monterey populations of this species seem to thrive in a region that can receive as many as 135 foggy days in the course of a year.

Distribution (circa 2001) 3

Uncommon in sandy hills, flats, and closed-cone pine forests from the southern San Francisco Bay Area to San Luis Obispo Co. on the Central Coast; < 200 m.

Fuentes y créditos

  1. (c) casbotany, todos los derechos reservados, subido por casbotany
  2. Adaptado por casbotany del trabajo de (c) Wikipedia, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-SA),
  3. (c) casbotany, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-SA)

Más información

Range Map

(c) casbotany, todos los derechos reservados

(c) casbotany, todos los derechos reservados

NaturaLista Mapa

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