White-flowered Bog Orchid

Platanthera leucostachys

Description 2

What is that robust spike of white flowers out in the middle of the bog? Its preference for water-logged habitats makes this orchid less accessible and all the more enticing. The gentle curve of the petals brings to mind a Georgia O'Keefe painting. In orchids, the lower petal in a flower is called the lip. In this species it curves forward and also has a dilated cylindrical extension at its base called a spur. The two upper petals fuse with the uppermost sepal to form a hood which arches over the column. The column or central part of the flower is formed by the fusion of stamens, style, and stigma.

Distribution (circa 2001) 3

DISTRIBUTION: Wet open places and meadows throughout the Calif. Floristic Province (except the Great Central Valley) and Great Basin Province; < 3400 m.

Fuentes y créditos

  1. (c) casbotany, todos los derechos reservados, subido por casbotany
  2. Adaptado por casbotany del trabajo de (c) Wikipedia, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-SA), http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orchidaceae
  3. (c) casbotany, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-SA)

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Color white