Emerald Ash Borer

Agrilus planipennis

Signs and Symptoms of Emerald Ash Borer 6

-D-shaped exit holes (1/8 inch)
-Pattern of ash trees dying on top, while becoming “bushy” on the base
-Blonding of bark
-Thinning crown
-Increase in woodpecker activity
-S-shaped galleries
Found on Ash trees ONLY

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Fuentes y créditos

  1. (c) Kohichiro Yoshida, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-NC), http://www.flickr.com/photos/kohichiroh/7076602947/
  2. (c) Erin Faulkner, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-NC), subido por Erin Faulkner
  3. (c) Jesse Lincoln, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-NC), subido por Jesse Lincoln
  4. (c) Kent Miller, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-ND), subido por Kent Miller
  5. (c) Ephraim Zimmerman, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-NC), subido por Ephraim Zimmerman
  6. (c) earthwatchtrees, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-SA)

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