crater lichen

Diploschistes scruposus

Description 4

 Thallus: rimose-to verrucose-areolate; areoles: 0.4-1.5 mm in diam., plane to subconvex, thin or thick; upper surface: greenish or brownish gray, smooth, shiny or dull, epruinose; Ascomata: urceolate, sessile, slightly pruinose, up to 2.0 mm in diam.; disc: blackish, concave; proper exciple: up to 75 µm thick; hymenium: 100-140 µm high; asci: subclavate to cylindrical, (4-) 8-spored; ascospores: brown, muriform, ellipsoid, 25-40 x 10-20 µm; transverse septa 4-7, longitudinal septa 1-3 per transverse segment; Pycnidia: immersed; conidia: bacilliform, 4-6 x 1.0 µm; Spot tests: K- or + yellow to red, C+ red, KC-, P-, UV-; Secondary metabolites: diploschistesic acid (major or absent), lecanoric acid (major), and orsellinic acid (minor).; Substrate and ecology: usually on siliceous rocks; World distribution: cosmopolitan in relatively open habitats in Mediterranean, temperate and polar regions and extending to high altitudes in the tropics; Sonoran distribution: common, at an elevation of c. 0-2700 m in Arizona, Baja California, California and Chihuahua.; Notes: The saxicolous Diploschistes scruposus is characterized by an epruinose thallus and ureolate ascomata. A similar species is D. muscorum and the differences are discussed under that name. 

Fuentes y créditos

  1. František Bouda, sin restricciones conocidas de derechos (dominio publico),
  2. (c) André Aptroot, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-NC-SA),
  3. (c) Andrew K., algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-NC-SA),
  4. (c) Lichen Unlimited: Arizona State University, Tempe., algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-NC-SA),

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