
Grindelia stricta var. platyphylla

Description 2

The bud is more distinctive than the flower. There is resinous gum smothering the immature flower. The mature flower has no visible resin. However, gum can be extracted from the top six inches of the mature plant's flowers, stem, and leaves. The resin is a major constituent of "grindelia". This skin ointment, which was first used by coastal Native Americans, is now available in some health food stores.

Distribution in California, USA, circa 2001 3

Windswept coastal bluffs and dunes throughout the North and South Coast Ranges to the northern Channel Islands; < 20 m.

Fuentes y créditos

  1. (c) casbotany, todos los derechos reservados, subido por casbotany
  2. Adaptado por casbotany del trabajo de (c) Wikipedia, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-SA),
  3. (c) casbotany, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-SA)

Más información

Range Map

(c) casbotany, todos los derechos reservados

(c) casbotany, todos los derechos reservados

NaturaLista Mapa

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