Smallmouth bass

Micropterus dolomieu

Summary 2

Family: Centrarchidae

Smallmouth bass(Micropterus dolomieu) are a popular sport species. Most common in rivers, but can also be found along the shorelines of lakes, often near flowing water. They use the large mouth to inhale fishes, crayfishes, insects, etc. Large individuals will make spectacular strikes at frogs, mice, etc. at the surface. Male clears a circular area on the bottom of all debris and plants, then defends this nest from other fishes, crayfishes, etc. Female lays eggs in the nest, then leaves. Male remains to guard the young until they are old enough to swim off.

How to recognize: Mouth does not extend past rear of eye. Body is bronze with several faint dark bars. Long fin along back is divided into two parts by a shallow notch. Even though its common name is “smallmouth,”, it actually has a pretty big mouth when compared to most fishes. It just has a smaller mouth than the largemouth bass. Up to 2 feet /0.6 meters long.

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  1. (c) alavire, todos los derechos reservados
  2. (c) alavire, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-NC)

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