White bass

Morone chrysops

Summary 2

Family: Moronidae

White bass(Morone chrysops) are most common in the big lakes, but can also be found in larger rivers and impoundments. They were more abundant in the past and even supported a significant commercial fishery. A popular recreational fishery in some places. Will form schools.

How to recognize: Silvery, but with half a dozen or more thin black stripes running from the head to the tail. Two fins on the back, the first supported by stiff spines, and the second supported by soft rays. The two fins are not connected. Three spines on the leading edge of the fin behind the anus; each spine slightly longer than the preceding spine. Up to 1½ feet /0.4 meters long.

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  1. (c) alavire, todos los derechos reservados
  2. (c) alavire, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-NC)

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