Lake trout

Salvelinus namaycush

Summary 2

Family: Salmonidae

Lake trout(Salvelinus namaycush) are a popular sport fish. They live in the big lakes and some larger inland lakes. Top-level predator, feeding on other fishes and “shrimps.” Reproduce in the fall over rocky reefs. Overfishing and sea lampreys decimated their populations, but they are slowly making a recovery.

How to recognize: Small fleshy fin on the back in front of the tail. Large mouth that extends past the rear of the eye. Pale squiggly spots over gray-green background. Forked tail. Up to 4 feet /1.2 meters long.

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  1. (c) alavire, todos los derechos reservados
  2. (c) alavire, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-NC)

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