Yellow bullhead

Ameiurus natalis

Summary 2

Family: Ictaluridae

Yellow bullhead(Ameiurus natalis) live along the bottoms of rivers, creeks and lakes. During the day, they are usually hiding under banks, in log piles, etc. They are much more active at night, and that is when they hunt. Barbels /whiskers are covered with taste buds that enable fish to “taste” environment and track prey in darkness. They eat fishes, crayfishes, etc., and will even scavenge dead animals in the water.

How to recognize: Eight barbels /whiskers (four pairs) around the mouth. The four barbels on the top of the head are brown, and the four barbels under the head are yellow. Strong spine along the leading edge of the fin on the back and the two fins immediately behind the head. With the fins immediately behind the head, the back edge of these spines is serrated, and half the front edge of these spines is serrated. Body is brown, with a white /yellow belly. Up to 1 foot /0.3 meters long.

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  1. (c) alavire, todos los derechos reservados
  2. (c) alavire, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-NC)

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