White sucker

Catostomus commersonii

Summary 2

Family: Catostomidae

White sucker(Catostomus commersonii) are some of the most common fish in the Great Lakes. Usually live in streams, but can be found in lakes or along the shores of the big lakes. Forage along the bottom, eating aquatic insects hiding in the mud and sand. Form impressive upstream spawning migrations in the spring. Sometimes used as bait.

How to recognize: Mouth is on the bottom of the head. Mouth is below snout. Lips are thick and fleshy, covered with small bumps that are taste buds. Scales larger near the tail, then progressively get smaller near the head. Up to 2 feet /0.6 meters long.

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  1. (c) alavire, todos los derechos reservados
  2. (c) alavire, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-NC)

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