Taxonomic Swap 145455 (Guardado el 02/08/2024)

Añadido por escow en 02 de agosto de 2024 a las 01:00 PM | Resuelto por borisb en 02 de agosto de 2024
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@borisb Can you please review this? And if this seems right, I think there's a need to change BugGuide page to not be misleading with the name

Anotado por escow hace cerca de un mes

Original spelling checked:

To fix this on BugGuide, if I remember well, is more complicated than it is on iNaturalist.

Anotado por borisb hace cerca de un mes

@escow: Have edited the taxon change ("move children to output" box clicked now),
and activated output taxon, now it should work . . .

Anotado por borisb hace cerca de un mes

thanks for finding the original description, I guess it's okay to proceed with the move then

Anotado por escow hace cerca de un mes

. . . something wrong with the BG change executed: All submissions seen in "images" mode, appear sorted in the new folder "Poreospasta", but virtually no more existing when you click any underfolder (species, or group). Data remain with "Poreopasta" . . .

Anotado por borisb hace cerca de un mes

. . . Apparently, any single entry has to be moved manually, if there is no shortcut - worked with one example tried.
@entomike: Do you know what it is about?

Anotado por borisb hace cerca de un mes

@entomike: Forget about it - it apparently took some time in the system, now o.k. again.

Anotado por borisb hace cerca de un mes

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