Observations along the Winooski River (Vermont)

The Winooski River is a major river in Vermont. For convenience, I created two new places that capture portions of the river's floodplain:

The river corridor was arbitrarily chosen to be 1000 feet wide (i.e., 500 feet on either side of a line that runs down the middle of the river).

These places make it easier to search for observations along the river. For example:

The previous list was used to uncover mis-identifications of genus Sagittaria along the river.

Publicado el 08 de septiembre de 2024 a las 08:53 PM por trscavo trscavo


@rynxs FYI

Anotado por trscavo hace cerca de un mes

Thank you for creating this place.

Anotado por tsn hace cerca de un mes

Thanks Tom

Anotado por trscavo hace cerca de un mes

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