Ridiculous amounts of White Chanterelles at a local park!

I went on a hike yesterday in a local park. I had found both C. formosus and C. subalbidus there before. I was not expecting the sheer amount of C. subalbidus. In all corners of the park, you could see them popping up alongside the trails. Beautiful clusters of them everywhere! It compelled me to go and buy a dehydrator, because there is no way I would be able to use all of these mushrooms in one sitting. Marking my calendar; September 1st, 2024; that’s the chanterelle day!

I could have taken more, but I had to restrain myself. In no world would I need that many. At one point it kinda just felt like stealing - I mean, there right there! How could no-one have already harvested them! If there’s this many now, I can only imagine how many there will be come October-November.

Publicado el 02 de septiembre de 2024 a las 08:48 PM por shroomysean shroomysean


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Absolutely ridiculous. The most mushrooms I’ve ever found in a single foray. So beautiful.

An absolutely ungodly number of White Chanterelles! They were everywhere!!!!! I had to restrain myself from picking more!

Observation #400 (woah)


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